Without water from the crane, it is difficult to imagine comfortable conditions for staying not only in the house, but also in the country. If we talk about watering, the well equipped with a motor can solve this problem. But for other domestic issues, the presence of stationary water supply is vital. It is not difficult to carry out the water supply in the country, but you need to know the basic rules of pipe gasket, as well as the pros and cons of the materials from which they are made.

Types of water pipes

To begin with, consider possible design options. Usually allocate:

  • stationary plumbing,
  • temporary water supply
  • autonomous water supply.


Stationary water connection assumes that a pressure tube is located near the site, which carries out water to the city. Unfortunately, most cottages are located in the distance from the main highways, so the use of this type of connection is not always possible. The water supply has only one minus - if the water supply has ceased to the highway, the consumer is forced to wait for the restoration of the system. Of the advantages:

  • minimum installation costs
  • high speed installation of water pipes,
  • constant stable pressure
  • lack of costs for the purchase of additional techniques.

Summer water supply in the country or as it is also called, temporary, implies the creation of a system that powers water from any reservoir located nearby. It can be both a well and lake, river, pond. The temporal nature of the water supply involves the possibility of mounting an ambulance hand, i.e. There is no need to boil pipes into the ground, equip the observation hatch, etc. Another big plus is the absence of water fees. But instead, electricity expenses will increase, since it will have to install a fairly powerful pump. An even simpler option is to install a tank with water. If it is above the level of all water supply devices, the pump is not needed. But once or two for the season will have to order a water with water that will fill the tank.


If there is no opportunity to equip a stationary water supply, then autonomous water supply will be the most optimal option. Although its arrangement costs somewhat more expensive than the above options, but it offers significantly more advantages:

  • lack of water interruptions
  • stable, adjustable pressure,
  • lack of water fees
  • savings on the length of the highway.

It is the last point in some situations that makes it impossible to install stationary water pipes, since the cost of pipes sometimes significantly exceeds all costs of arrangement of the offline network.

Overview of materials for the construction of water supply in the country

The basis of the water supply is the pipes. They are:

  • metal,
  • plastic
  • metal-plastic,
  • polyethylene,
  • polypropylene.


Metal pipes were used at the beginning of the last century and now gradually go out of turnover. Causes are quite understandable:

  • subject corrosion
  • poorly tolerate temperature differences,
  • sensitive to hydrowoods,
  • the effective service life does not exceed 10-15 years.

Plastic and metal-plastic pipes for water supply in the country are used, as a rule, for wiring water inside the house. This limitation is associated with a diameter. For high-quality pressure, a minimum of 80 mm is required, better than 100 mm. Produce PVC pipes of such a diameter is economically unprofitable. In addition, the cost of plastic products is significantly higher than the analogues.

The PND plumbing in the country is the best option. Polyethylene pipes are not expensive, elastic and sold with large coils, which allows you to make seamless connections. In addition, polyethylene is resistant to any types of impact, and its service life is at least 50 years.

Polypropylene is less durable than polyethylene. It is used for water fluids, in which pressure is either no, or it is minimal, i.e. For sewage. High pressure is likely to break the polypropylene tubes.

The next mandatory attribute will be fittings. These are different couplings, corners and adapters that are used to connect. They are made from:

  • high strength steel
  • bronze
  • PVC,
  • PND.

Since the outer part of the water supply is advisable to make pipes from PND, then the fittings should be bought PND. They are mounted either by cold welding, or gluing. Welding is preferable.

Despite the fact that the fittings allow you to create various branches and the transitions to their use to the control pits are inappropriate, as it is extremely undesirable to break the tightness of the structure. There is a layout in the pit, so fittings must be needed there. The transition from the PND on plastic or metalplastic is carried out using a crimp coupling and adapter. For both types of internal water supply, it is desirable to use high-strength steel. Bronze is quite fragile, poorly tolerates physical damage and easily burst in the case of hydrowards.

Additionally, the water supply may need:

  • pressure supercharger
  • motor,
  • tank,
  • materials for mounting frame under the tank.

Pressure superchargers are extremely rare. They are used only if there is constantly reduced pressure in the stationary water supply system.


The selection of the motor is a separate question to which it is worth approaching as much as possible. Since not only the functionality of the water pipeline depends on the quality and power of the motor, but also its service life.

If you plan to use a small injection tank, it is recommended to take plastic. First, he weighs a little, secondly, it is cheaper than analogs. If we are talking about a large pressure tank, then only a large galvanized barrel will suit. This is due to the fact that under the influence of light, the process of photosynthesis is activated in plastic, as a result - mold and fungus is formed. Water changes the shade and becomes completely unsuitable for drinking or bathing.

For the injection tank, special attachments are not needed. For tanks, it is recommended to use a welded metal structure.

Water pipeline scheme in the country

Before you begin directly install, it is desirable to make a planned layout. It is done as follows:

  • there is a place for the fence of water,
  • the distance from the place of the fence to the control hole is measured, it is necessary to make it necessary on the street at a distance of at least 2 m from the foundation of the house,
  • the number of outputs is noted, as a rule, it is one, but if there are several consumers or plumbing on the site for a group of users, then the outputs will be larger,
  • the last step is to sketching water supply devices throughout the house.


Ideally, the water supply is carried out progressively, i.e. The cold pipe came at the beginning to the two-circuit boiler or boiler, and from them went to the cranes in the kitchen and in the bath. Difficult layout schemes are undesirable for two reasons:

  • material overruns
  • the presence of a larger number of compounds, each of which is capable of leaking.

If the heating is not provided, then the procedure is somewhat simplified.

Dimensions are applied to the resulting drawing, after which they purchase the necessary material. It is better to make a certain stock, in case of breakdown or damage to the cable and fittings.

Stationary water supply in the country and its installation

Since this option is the most simple, the procedure comes down to the following items:

  • obtaining permission in the appropriate instance
  • digging the control jama 2x2 m, a depth of at least 2 m,
  • facing pit bricks,
  • digging ditches for the pipe, its depth is equal to the depth of the primer of the soil plus 10 cm, in practice at least 40 cm,
  • drainage falling asleep, 2-3 sand, drainage simultaneously performs the role of a protective cushion,
  • installing the locking valve at the end of the pipe that goes into the control hole,
  • pipe cutting pipes in the main highway,
  • cutting the pipe with a layer of sand in 3-4 cm,
  • failure of ditch of earth.


Next is the wiring of water pipeline around the house. Since this procedure is the same for all types, we will proceed to its consideration. Installation perform sequentially:

  • connect the corner to the locking crane,
  • fix the pipe on it,
  • if flexible metal plastic is used, then the ring of the pipe is unwinding to the room,
  • if plastic is used, it is desirable to connect the water pipe with a solid piece of pipe,
  • cold water pipe stretches to a water heating device if it is provided,
  • the first point is connected on the line, then the second, etc.,
  • to connect the point, the pipe with hot and cold water is cut, they put a tee, the output of which must end with a fitting with a carvings under the standard water supply hose that comes with a crane,
  • for metal plastic used steel fittings, for plastic - a gluing or cold welding method,
  • to connect the last point, the tee is not needed,
  • a corner is mounted on the pipes to which the hoses are connected from the latter in the tap circuit.

Plastic plumbing in the country is preferable if you visit it only on the weekend. For everyday life it is better to spend more, but buy better and durable metal-plastic pipes.

Water removal for street crane is carried out by similar technology. With the exception that the shut-off valve needs to install a tee and make separate taps for the street and at home.

Installation of autonomous water supply in the country

Since the summer water supply is a simplified version of autonomous, consider the second option. Their cost is different, therefore, from an economic point of view, there is no point in setting the time. In extreme cases, you can always agree with the neighbors and connect the hose to their crane, pre-proving the price of the issue.

When creating an autonomous water supply system, it is important to be determined with the water source. If there is a river nearby - this is the perfect option. Creek, ponds and lakes are not suitable for the creation of a water supply due to the fact that they have stagnant water, rich in various bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, harmful to human health.


If there are no rivers, then you need to dig a well. Its volume depends on the depth of the climbing water and the planned water consumption. According to the standards per person, 2 cubic meters of water is consumed for a month. If it is necessary to irrigate, then another cubic meter is removed on each weave of land.

For clarity, take the cottage with six hundreds of land, which is unregularly arrived by 4 people. Suppose 8 days a month.

V. society.\u003d 6 acres * 1 m 3+ (2 m 3* 4 people * 8 days / 30 days) \u003d 6 + 2.2 \u003d 9 m 3.

The resulting number is always rounded up to the whole to the whole value. If only 2-3 weaves are reserved on the flooring section, then the appropriate changes should be entered into the formula.

Found 9 M. 3 - This is a total consumption of water for the month. In order to calculate how much water leaves a day, you need to share the total volume of days.

9/8 \u003d 1.2 m 3 in a day.

The calculations obtained allow you to determine the power to have a well. Depending on the region, the rod water can climb or very deeply, or have a low return. If the well is not able to provide the necessary amount of water, then it will be necessary to install a cumulative tank.

Let's go back to this face a little later, but still finish with a well. By itself, it will not provide water to the house. To do this, you need to install the motor. At the same time, right on the channel of water supply, it is advisable to make a wiring into two lines. The first will be designed for the house, the second for the street. Both lines are equipped with shut-off cranes.

Next, the laying of the water supply. If the need for water is not significant, then it makes no sense to buy a powerful motor and install a cumulative tank. It is enough to turn on the motor if necessary. The start button with the help of an electrical cabinet is placed in any convenient location.

Nevertheless, such a system is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, it is recommended to add another element - a cumulative tank. It can be performed in two variations:

  • copin to Earth,
  • installed on supports.

In the ground, the tanks are laughed in large volumes, but they differ in one major minus, it is necessary to additionally install the pressure of the pressure. The tank mounted on the supports gives pressure on the principle of combined vessels. Typically, such tanks are installed on the roof, on one side it allows you to get rid of the need to build a frame, on the other, it makes it possible to place a fairly large tank.


If the country house will not stand extra weight, then you will need to build a frame. The optimal size of the accumulative tank is 500 liters. The height of the tank above the ground level should be at least 3 m. At the same time, the separation of water supply to the street and homework allows watering to be straight from the well.

The tank itself is quite simple. From the pump to it there is either a thick rubber hose, or the same PND tube through which is filling. The entrance to the tank should be in its upper part. In the lower part, the exit under the water pipe. It is important that those parts of the pipes that pass outdoors were as much as possible.

This method is the simplest option to create an autonomous system. If you wish, to make a powerful water supply for continuous use, you need to study float motors and pressure injection systems. Although their cost is much higher, they allow you to fully automate the process.

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