True connoisseurs of wines are simply required to have a wine cabinet at home. With its help, the wine is stored at the right temperature and in the future, fully reveals its taste and aroma. If desired, such a cabinet is bought in a store or made independently. About how to choose a high -quality wine cabinet and how to make it with your own hands we will consider further.

Requirements for the conditions for storage of wine

Wine is a special drink that requires a special relationship, so the conditions for its storage should also be special. To ensure the safety of wine reserves, from ancient times, cellars were used. In modern times, to build a cellar cannot do it, especially for the owners of small apartments. Therefore, they prefer the purchase of a wine cabinet. It is this piece of furniture that is able to fully ensure the safety of wine, its taste and aroma.

Wine cabinet photo:


We offer to get acquainted with the optimal conditions for storage of wine that will help make its aroma more tasty. These requirements are guarantors of a high -quality cabinet in which wine will be stored:

1. Temperature regime.

It is preferable to store wine at one constant temperature, which varies from ten to fifteen degrees. At low temperatures, the wine is not able to open completely, and with high - it will quickly deteriorate. It is not at all acceptable when storing wine - a sharp change in the temperature regime. In this case, the wine will simply lose its taste.

2. Installation of bottles.

All bottles of wine should be exclusively in a lying position, horizontally to the floor. If you put them in another position, then the wine will fall on the cork, which is deformed and dried under its influence. Further, oxygen will fall into the bottle, this will lead to damage to wine.

3. Humidity indicators.

The level of moisture is the level of humidity to the premises for storing wine, it should be within sixty units, small fluctuations of humidity in two directions are allowed for no more than ten units.


4. Lighting.

The presence of too bright color leads to the process of oxidation of wine, so the cabinet should be such that light does not fall on the bottles of wine.

5. Calm.

In principle, when transporting any product, its gradual damage occurs. The same goes for wine. It should be stored in one position and in one place for several or several decades, if you often move it, it will acquire a bitter and dry taste.

6. The correct organization of the ventilation system.

It is this criterion that will save the wine from the smell of mold and fungus. Since the presence of a constant air supply helps to prevent their formation.

Wine cabinet: advantages and features

When buying expensive aromatic wine, manufacturers always recommend that it be stored under certain conditions. If there is no wine cellar in the house, then the most correct solution would be to buy a wine cabinet. This piece of furniture is characterized by a large number of advantages, among which:

1. Creation of conditions for maintaining optimal temperature. With his help, the owner of the wine sets the temperature that will ensure its safety for many years.

2. The presence of special shelves - the wines are located in them in a position convenient for them.

3. The presence of heat -insulating elements, filters that allow you to maintain a certain temperature and save the wine from excessive aromas.

4. In addition, the wine cabinet, unlike the standard refrigerator, provides individual storage of each bottle. He is able to support the desired humidity, temperature and even vibration.


5. Attractive appearance - wine cabinets of modern manufacturers are characterized by original design and unusual forms. Some manufacturers give the possibility of independently choosing the outer side of the door, the number of shelves and internal filling of the cabinet.

6. The opportunity in the independent construction of the cabinet is another important advantage. To manufacture such a device, you will need to work a little, but the result will save money and get a cabinet that no one else will have.

Home wine cabinets: Features of choice

The main drawback of wine cabinets is their extremely high cost, so when buying such a device, it is necessary to carefully study its characteristics and approach this issue very seriously.

To ensure the correct functionality of the wine cabinet, it is necessary to carefully care for it. Therefore, when buying a cabinet, exactly decide on the parameters that you will present to it.

1. Temperature functions.

When studying this aspect, we will talk about multi-or monothemer constructions. Different varieties of wines require a special temperature regime, so modern manufacturers have developed monotemperture cabinets that allow them to store the same type of wine in them, and multi -temperature products for storing various varieties of wine. The buyer must clearly understand what model he needs. Of course, multi -temperature cabinets are much more expensive, and require more electricity for their work than monothemer. But, in the event that the main function of the cabinet is the storage of wine, during a short period of time, then there will be quite a simplified option.



For collectors of perennial wines, who over time improve their quality and improve taste, it is necessary to purchase a multi -temperature type. They allow you to configure the individual temperature for each of the shelves. Some manufacturers created cabinets, are able to maintain two necessary temperatures, and some even three. Thus, the multi -temperature cabinet has the form of a small cellar, which is distinguished by well -designed ventilation and ability in the individual supply of various temperatures. It is such products that allow you to maintain the wines of many years of exposure.

2. Design.

One of the main factors that determines the purchase of a wine cabinet is the attractiveness of its appearance. Although internal content also plays a huge role as the performance of the functions of the cabinet, the external factor is important. The wine cabinet must harmoniously fit into the interior of the room in which it will be installed.

Therefore, before buying a wine cabinet - clearly determine its location in the house. Almost every wine cabinet appears in the form of a metal box, on which a blank door is installed. Modern manufacturers of wines storage cabinets are developing the latest technologies to improve the design of their products. There are models with a combination of wood and metal to make a cabinet transparently used glass, both hardened and fragile - Venetian. For wealthy people, the cabinets are made by an individual order with the addition of inserts from valuable metals and stones.

The material for performing the door is very diverse. Glass doors of the cabinet using tinting look very beautiful. It is it that helps to improve the quality of the wine, as it prevents ultraviolet and retains the optimum temperature. In addition, through tinted glass, all bottles of wine are perfectly visible, and if necessary in the demonstration of the collection, it will not be necessary to open the cabinet.


3. Method of fastening.

In the ratio with this parameter, wine cabinets are separately standing or built -in. The choice of one or another type depends on the amount of free area for installing the cabinet and on the personal preferences of the buyer.

4. Internal filling of the wine cabinet.

When opening the door of the wine cabinet, first of all, you should pay attention to the internal content. Since the quality of the preserved wine directly depends on this criterion. In all models of wine cabinets, the location of the shelves is horizontal. Make sure that the bottles are easily and conveniently removed from the closet. Learn about the presence of the opportunity to independently adjust the height and angle of the shelves. In the presence of monolithic shelves, inconvenience arises with the care of them and with the installation of wine. It is better to choose models that imply the presence of separately retractable shelves.

In this case, pay attention to the quality in which roller strips for sliding are made. In addition, inspect the material that underlies the shelves. It should be strong, resistant to abrasion and vibration and easy to maintain. The most optimal option that provides all these requirements is a tree.

5. Constructive features.

When examining this criterion, pay attention to the thermal insulation characteristics of the wine cabinet. The thickness of the walls should be about five centimeters, it is under such conditions that the temperature regime will be observed correctly. The procedure, maintaining a certain temperature for storing wine is carried out using a compressor. It is he who is a provocateur of vibrations that are trying in every possible way to prevent manufacturers of wines for wines. To do this, soft shock absorbers are installed in the cabinet and the case is isolated. Some models work thanks to the Peltier effect, they have no compressors and do not create vibrations, but the cost of such a cabinet is several times higher than the compressor.


6. The principle of automatic thawing.

The wine cabinets are equipped with the same principle as the refrigerator. In the cabinet there is a special drain groove along which thawed water flows. She gradually evaporates. And some models involve secondary use of melt water, it enters the chamber with drinks from the gutter, and thus regulates the humidity level.

7. Filters in the wine cabinet.

Wine, like other drinks, breathes due to the presence of traffic jams. Therefore, the location of other products, with extraneous smells, is not allowed in the storage chamber. Therefore, in each wine cabinet, a filter based on activated coal should be located, which is periodically required to change. Therefore, when buying a cabinet, check with sellers, the places where filters are sold for this cabinet model.


8. Manufacturers.

It is recommended to give preference to producers of wine cabinets that specialize in the production of refrigeration equipment.

The number of functions that it will perform directly depends on the cost of the product. Some models have special displays showing the climatic conditions for storage of wine. Other models have a remote control that provides ease of using the cabinet. Before buying a wine cabinet, you should accurately determine the required number of functions so as not to overpay for unnecessary options.

Varieties of wine cabinets

In the ratio with the installation site, wine cabinets are:

  • built -in;
  • separately standing.

The built -in wine cabinet is distinguished by unnecessary material and power costs for its installation, but at the same time takes less space than a separate one.

In terms of temperature adjustment, wine cabinets are:

  • single -zone;
  • two -zone;
  • three -zone.


A single -zone wine cabinet has the same climatic conditions in the entire closet. A double -zone wine cabinet is more expensive, as it allows you to create various temperature conditions for storing drinks. Three-zone cabinets are less popular and practically not used, due to the high cost.

In the ratio with the material of manufacture, wine cabinets are:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • glass;
  • combined.

The wooden wine cabinet is distinguished by good vibration resistant characteristics, metal cabinets are more expensive and heavy. The most optimal material is a combination of wood and metal or metal with glass.

In addition, a wine cabinet is distinguished, which has glass doors. In such a device, each bottle of wine is located in a separate shelf, which has an individual sliding mechanism.

Wine cabinet refrigerator - has common features with refrigerated cameras, as it works according to the same principle. It is based on the use of a connector to cool air.


Do -it -yourself wine cabinet: manufacturing instructions

With the independent manufacture of a wine cabinet, it is first necessary to determine its location. The models that will be discussed in this article do not have compressor devices that cool the air, but are only shelves for storing wine. Therefore, the room in which the wine cabinet will be installed should be dark, moderately moist and cold. For these purposes, a cellar or pantry is well suited.

We offer to consider three options for making wine cabinets:

1. The simplicity and ease of manufacture is characterized by a wine regiment made of polyvinyl chloride pipes. For its manufacture, the presence of:

  • aerosol spray can of paint;
  • hacksaw;
  • empty pvc pipe, suitable diameter;
  • acetone;
  • universal primer in the form of a spray;
  • self -adhesive bilateral tape.

Determine the place for the wine shelf, in the form of an empty niche or shelf in the closet. With the help of roulette, you need to measure the depth of the niche. A hacksaw will help cut the segments of the pipes, the required size.

In the absence of skills in working with a hacksaw. Field of measurements of the depth of the cabinet, go to the store to buy a pipe. There, you will cut a pipe of the right size. Using sandpaper, treat the end sections of the pipes. Follow the smoothness of the surface, since the comfort in using the shelf depends on it. To eliminate oils and other substances that destroy the smoothness of the pipe, use acetone. First, apply a primer, wait for its drying, and then paint the pipes. Using a self -adhesive tape, connect the pipes among themselves and install on a shelf or niche.


2. To make a wooden shelf for storage of wine, you will need the presence:

  • two wooden boards with equal sides diagonally;
  • a tool for making a drink;
  • varnish;
  • paints of the desired color.

Decide on the place of installation of the guilt of the shelf. With the help of a drill, drink the planks in the same places. Combine two boards crosswise, but before that, treat the tree with varnish and paint. Install the shelf in the right place. This design will help store wine in a horizontal position.

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