Dobges on the interior doors are straight -shaped strips of rectangular shape, designed to increase the width of the door frame, in case of its lack to the thickness of the doorway. In simple words, these strips allow you to make the cladding of wide openings. On the features of the installation of these structural elements - further.
Dobra characteristics
Dobges are so specific that it is very difficult to say something concrete about their types and variety. However, three common types of such planks can be distinguished - these are ordinary, telescopic and combined dobctions. The first option is a simple laminated rail, covered with veneer. Such products can differ from each other only by the type of decorative coating. A possible width of such inhibits is 100, 110, 150 and 200 mm.
The second option (telescopic diving) is also called typewriting. With their help, you can carry out the opening of the opening in the wall of any thickness. The fact is that set-out strips are made according to the principle of the rail-wagon, and this allows you to adjust the necessary thickness of the material. Like simple dose, this type of product differs in color and type of finish. Their width can be 90, 120 and 150 mm.
Combined products combine the functions of the platband and doorbell. Similar dose is a decorative corner, which is placed on the door box with special deep grooves in the ends. These gaps are designed to install platbands. Such additives cannot be installed on the wall of too much thickness. However, for a slight increase in the size of the door frame, they are perfect.
There are cases when the door jamb is skewed, and the upper bar is strongly deviated from the horizontal, by more than 6% of its length. At the same time, the doors sash fit under a skewed box. In such situations, it is not recommended to put dates without alteration of the door. It should be said that the box itself cannot distort itself. The reason most often lies in the presence of constructive defects, and if they are not corrected, then the dates will not be able to correct the situation. Because of this, they can be deformed.
If you need to equip suburban buildings, then you can buy doors with boxes that are already prepared for installation of dose, namely, a groove quarter has been selected on them, which allows you to combine a box with additional rails. There are also door structures with a box in which there are no above devices. For the first option, both wooden and wood-and-steering planks are suitable with a thickness of 1.5 cm.
The dimensions of the planks are usually determined only when the base is established. They depend on how much the distance is from the edge of the opening to the seizure under the additional in the box. Thus, the width of the inhibits will be equal to the existing gap. Most often, it is 9-11 mm, but other options are possible. Conducted strips with a groove are nailed to small cloves to an unidentified basis. At the same time, there should be a distance of about 270 mm between the nails. It is allowed to lubricate the joints of the joints with an adhesive composition, and then insert a plug of input into the gap of the doorway. Below, we will analyze how to put dobes on the interior door, but first we will consider the main advantages of these structural elements.
What are good dobctions?
- First of all, it is worth noting that the installation of a door block expanded with dobages occurs very quickly.
- In addition, their use excludes wet finishing processes that do not affect the wood nearby.
- It should also be noted that due to the inputs, the wear resistance of the door structure increases.
- And, of course, it must be said that the dates make the appearance of the door more attractive and presentable.
What is made of dose
As materials for premature rails, a rubberized or dashed board is often used. With a large width of the adjacent wall, it is recommended to give preference to waterproof faner of the BS. It is still suitable if the inhabitants are installed in a room with a high level of humidity. All the materials from which the inhibits are made are glued with decorative self -adhesive film.
It is worth saying that today it is most profitable to use ready -made additional boards made of MDF with a special decorative coating, and not to make dose with your own hands. Factory products have standard dimensions that vary from 80 to 500 mm. If the walls in the room are too thick, then set -out subsidies will be needed. Especially for such cases, additional MDF stands with a downshole lock are made.
As a rule, the inhibits are placed in a special recess located on the inside of the box. Sometimes prefixed strips are required to be put on the previously installed door. Then preferences are usually used. Such products are most like installation in rooms with normal humidity and moderate temperature. They are also mounted on very high -quality door leafs. Sometimes the inhibits are used that are slipped under the box. They are also called liner slats.
How to put dobes on an interior door
Selection of materials and tools
To install interior inhabitations, you can’t do without tools. One way or another, they will be needed: manual disk saw, wood cutter, as well as a clamp with soft casing. The latter is mainly needed so that you can press the saw to the stool up with the help of it with the help of it. The result is a design that resembles a circular saw in functionality. You can improve the quality of the resulting tool. This is done quite simply: at a distance of 400-500 mm from a working gas burner, a pipe with heat-shrinkable properties is heated, after which it is planted on a clamp in 3-4 layers.
To install the inputs of interior doors with your own hands, you will need 3 or 4 strong stools. They should have the same height and do not stagger. You will still need 5-6 wooden strips about 30 × 30 and 40 × 40 mm in size, as well as 10 wedges and several pieces of stripes from a sheet of packaging plywood (you can use drywall).
How to install a preference on an interior door
All types of inhibits described above have their own characteristics in the installation. It is about these features of the installation that will be described below.
The phased process of installing ordinary dobages:
- It is worth saying right away that the inhibits are placed after the installation of the door block is completed, and the foam managed to freeze. If there are special excavations in the box, you need to clean them well. If such a seizure is not provided, then it is necessary to free the space that is behind the box from the mounting foam.
- After the preparatory stage is completed, you can proceed directly to the installation process. Initially, the upper preference is adjusted in size. To do this, the bar should first be cut along the length, then in width.
- For proper fitting in width, the preference should be installed in its place in such a way that it looks out the back. Then two marks are placed. Next, the additional bar can be pulled out. Then the resulting marks are interconnected by a line. The bar is trimmed using an electrician.
- Next, you need to adjust two lateral in the way described in the way. According to the same scheme, the length and width of the planks are determined.
- There should be no cracks between the upper and lateral additional rails - this is important. Thus, the upper bar should be located on the side rails strictly horizontally. This can be controlled by level.
- Only when you checked the horizontality of the planned planks, you can begin to fix them. To do this, first of all, you need to prevent the appearance of possible cracks. To do this, using wooden wedges, the bar must be crushed between the existing door frame and the opening. If there are no wooden wedges, it is allowed to use other materials (more cardboard or frozen mounting foam is suitable). If cardboard is used, then it will need to be folded in several layers.
- After lingering, it is necessary to check the junction zones of the upper and side dobctions. First of all, evaluate how smoothly the preforder bar is installed. In addition, it should be controlled whether the lower parts of the side dobctions are correctly mounted. If necessary, they are recovering or licking by means of inserts from racks or timber.
- Then the dobages should be fixed from both the edge in width. Now you need to take the mounting foam and fill it with the space between the diving and the opening. When the mixture freezes, you can fill the remaining space. Next, you can install the platbands in place.
The installation of telescopic premature strips has much in common with the installation of conventional inhibits. The difference is only in the method of connecting individual rails among themselves. They will "increase" on each other. So, in no case should you completely collect a large shield and put it in a collected form. You need to do this gradually. They begin by the fact that it sets the first bar along the perimeter of the doorway and only after its reliable fixation is the installation of the second row.
If you install the entire shield, then there will be a violation of the connection of typewriters. Therefore, in this form it is usually not placed. In particular, this applies to sets of three or more planks. In some cases, it is possible to do with telescopic rails that are placed at the same time. But this requires experience and enough spacers.
Now consider the combined method for installing dobes and platbands on interior doors. It is very simple, if only because when it is executed there is no need for an additional attachment of inhibits. Usually just insert the strips into the grooves available in the box, as well as fit the corners. Initially, as a rule, the upper preference is cut and installed, and after that, the lateral strips are adjusted to it. Moreover, lateral dates should be cut only on the bottom. If this is done at the top, then you can damage a special recess. It is thanks to this seizure that all the additional rails can connect correctly.