The construction of a bathhouse on the site is a very useful event, which is worth approaching with all responsibility, paying attention to every little thing. One of these little things is the choice of lighting devices. The bath is a rather specific structure with a high level of humidity and sharp temperature changes, and therefore not every light can withstand such conditions. In this article we will tell you how to choose a lamp for a sauna and a bathhouse in a store or do it with your own hands.
Security first of all
When looking for a lamp for a bath, it is necessary to clearly understand that it will serve not only the source of light, but to create a special atmosphere of relaxation and calm. In addition to these useful qualities, the lamp should have a high degree of resistance to external factors - high temperature and humidity. For the hallway in the bath, ordinary devices will fit quite, but in the steam room it is necessary to install heat -resistant lamps for the bath. As for the brightness of the light, the too cold and bright lamp will not allow you to relax, and the dim light will turn a small steam room into uncomfortable hot closet. Ideally, a warm lamp with a yellowish tint is suitable. Such light will emphasize the natural beauty of wooden decoration and furniture, as well as create a feeling of home comfort.
To ensure your own safety during bath procedures, you need to choose lamps with a special design that protects the electric part from moisture penetration. The very first sign of such a safe device is stainless steel. With the aesthetics of such products, many are ready to argue, but in terms of safety they are perfect. If you are not ready to put up with the cold shine of the ceiling, use wooden decorative lattices.
What characteristics should lamps have for the bathhouse:
- temperature resistance;
- moisture resistance;
- good quality of insulation;
- sufficient power of light;
- aesthetics.
In most cases, lighting is made under the ceiling or on the ceiling itself. As you know, the heated air rushes upward, so under the steam room the temperature is much higher than below, one hundred should be taken into account when choosing a lamp.
Classification of lamps
As you already understood, not all sorts of lamps can be installed in baths and saunas. In addition to the usual incandescent lamps today, other, more modern products are suitable for this purpose.
What lamps can be installed in the bath:
- Incandescent lamps - if you decide to use this option, do not choose bulbs more powerful than 60 watts, otherwise they will heat the housing. The ceiling should be absolutely sealed with translucent or matte glass to give multiple light. If the lighting seems too bright, cover the device with a wooden grill.
- Hague lamps are one of the most popular devices for lighting baths and saunas. Haglone lamps with mounted reflectors can be installed even in steamers. They are characterized by a low capacity of 20-35 watts, resistant to high temperature, are not afraid of moisture, steam and do not burn in case of accidental touch. In addition, the spectrum of their radiation is closest to the natural spectrum perceived by the human eye. In this regard, they are most successful compared to any other types of lamps. Another important advantage is a completely safe power voltage that is not terrible of water or extreme heat.
- LED lamps - similar products, unlike halogen lamps, does not like heat, but light radiates very bright. That is why they are always located closer to the floor - in the floor itself or in the lower end parts of the furniture. Lamps delight with a wide color palette, efficiency and efficiency - only a few bulbs can illuminate a rather spacious area.
- Buildings - with the help of fiber -optic lamps for the bath, you can create a stylish and colorful interior design, but you will have to pay more for this pleasure than for any of the above types of lamps. In addition to the lamps themselves, you will need nozzles, light filters and lenses. The light will pass through the sidewalls and the end part, thereby creating the chosen visual effect (wave, rainbow, fire). The fiber -optic lamps for the bath are moisture -proof, so they can be mounted not only in the bath, but even at the bottom of the pool. As for thermal resistance, they are able to withstand heat to +300C. Experts consider them the safest devices for baths and saunas, since the fiber does not carry out electricity, but light waves.
- Luminiscentes - the main reason for the popularity of such lamps is the ability to adjust the brightness of light with a dimmer. Luminiscent lamps easily withstand high temperatures, but are completely not adapted for working in the cold. In the case of baths and saunas, it is forbidden to mount lighting devices with electromagnetic throssels.
Important: in baths it is strictly forbidden to install network lamps, as well as daylight lamps with a mercury filler.
Installation rules
When you picked up the lighting for your bath, you need to think about how and where to install it. The traditional bath consists of the hallway, steam room and shower, and for each of these rooms there are its own requirements for the installation of lighting.
In the case of a steam room, in no case should I have lighting devices next to the stove, even if you have chosen the most heat -resistant option. It is best to install lamps on the wall opposite from the stove, under the floor or under the ceiling. If the installation is under the ceiling, you should make sure that it was impossible to hit your head inadvertently about the lamp.
Most often, the lamps are placed in the corners, since it is a non -law and relatively safe territory. Another good place is the intersection of walls and ceiling. For LED tapes, a corner screen is usually prepared, which is attached to a heat -resistant base.
Useful advice: if you are building a Finnish sauna, choose ceramics -based devices - they are the most durable. For a classic bathhouse, any heat -resistant lamps with a base of stainless steel, aluminum or heat -resistant plastic are suitable (they withstand high temperature and do not rust).
As for the shower or washing, the atmosphere there is not as hot as in the steam room, but the humidity level is still high. Therefore, for this room, you should choose special lamps for wet rooms (bathroom, pool).
There is a classification of the zones of the shower room that distinguishes several classes of protection of lamps:
- The first zone is in the immediate vicinity of the water, so the lamps there should be as waterproof as possible (5th protection at a power of 12V).
- The second zone is located 50-60 cm from the water source, and the lamps for it should have a 4th grade of protection.
- The third zone is almost dry and inaccessible for water jets and spray, so lamps with a low class of protection (1-3) are suitable for it.
In the remaining rooms of the bath, even those where there are no moisture sources, it is also recommended to install lighting devices with at least a minimum water protection class.
So, from the foregoing information we can conclude that there should be reliable and safe lamps in the steam room that give multiple warm light. Best for this purpose, fiber -optic or LED lamps for the bathhouse are suitable. In the shower, the lighting should be brighter, but not blinding, otherwise moving there from the steam room, the body will receive stress after relaxation. In the rest room, it is best to put several lamps with different brightness and direct them in different directions - to the table area where you can drink tea, to the entrance, to the chair to read it with comfort, etc.
DIY lamp
On the wound, in stores and the Internet you can probably find anything, including a suitable lamp in the bathhouse. But most often it happens that in the permissive price range there is nothing interesting, and the thing you like is unreasonably expensive. If this is just your case or you just like to do beautiful and useful things, we suggest collecting a lamp in a bath with your own hands.
What tools and materials will be needed for work:
- Wooden boards - the materials remaining after the interior decoration of the steam room are quite suitable. So even better, since the lamp will not be knocked out of the general style.
- Glass - speech is from heat -resistant glass or heat -resistant plastic.
- Plywood - only moisture -resistant plywood will be made for such work.
- Polyethylene heat -resistant film (PET), the temperature range of which is at least 120C.
- LEDs - we have chosen this particular option, since it is best suited for the bathhouse and not as expensive as fiber -optic lamps.
- Electric insulation Getinax.
- Aluminum tape.
- Installation glue.
To cut wooden elements, prepare a hacksaw, for glass - glass cutter, you will also need fasteners (self -tapping screws).
We make lamps made of wood for the bath:
- Draw patterns of lamp details.
- By the template, cut the part of the fiberboard.
- Put the resulting part to the corner in which the lamp will be located.
- From the interior decoration of the boards, make a part of 900x140x20 mm. It is preferable to use linden or other deciduous rocks. Refuse from coniferous wood - in the bathhouse there is no place for it, since when heated, such boards become sticky from the resin.
- Using the same template, draw the details of the frame.
- Drink the details.
- Prepare vertical elements made of wood: 4 pcs - 750x35x15 mm, as much 750x45x15 mm and 8 pcs - 750x40x15 mm. In the last 4 rails size 550x50x20, you need to make a groove for glass.
- Crall the edges of the rails so that they look more carefully and do not create traumatic situations.
- Combine the main elements with rails of 550x50x20 mm, enhancing the joints with mounting glue and self -tapping screws.
- To keep the glass firmly, glue stubborn planks.
- This is how the finished frame should look.
- Cut the glass of the desired size, slightly round the edges with an emery stone or a grinder.
- Wrap the glass with a Pat film.
- Sprinkle the rails, try on the future lamp, grease with glue and screw with self -tapping screws.
- Attach the rail 750x45x15 mm, make markings with a pencil at the points of future fasteners. Two such rails will be fixed with glass. At the same time, external vertical elements must be screwed with self -tapping screws from the back in order to maintain the aesthetics of the lamp and not accidentally burn yourself.
- Using a computer program or on simple paper, make markings so that the points are located 3 cm from each other.
- Cut a piece of gutinax and glue the marked paper to it.
- At each point, drill a hole equal to the diameter of the LED (5 mm).
- Rinse the paper with warm water.
- Install a larger diameter drill in a drill and make a recess in each hole without drilling to the end. So the lamp will give a more directed light.
- Clay holes with aluminum tape - it will play the role of the reflector. They wrap them with the slats to which the glass will be attached.
- On the back of the panel, glue the LEDs.
- In total, 80 LEDs turned out. Spirit them sequentially 4 pcs so that 20 chains come out. Combine them in a common parallel chain of 12 V. For power, you can take a block from a point halogen lamp, and it is better to place it outside the steam room to protect it from getting wet.
- Attach all the rails and a panel with LEDs to the frame.
- The result should be such a lamp. It remains to hang it in place and connect it.
When choosing a lamp for a bath, you should be guided not only by aesthetic factors, but to take into account the operational characteristics of the equipment. Agree, it will be a shame if you buy a beautiful expensive lamp, and after the first clan of the bath, it will burn out. We hope this article will help you avoid such mistakes.