Windows from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are distinguished by strong and reliable locking and loop mechanisms. Periodically, mechanisms require adjustment and maintenance. After some time, they span, wear out and require tuning or replacing nodes. Whenever there is a minor trouble to call a master for adjusting the PVC windows is an invoice. Many problems can be eliminated independently.
In cases where it is necessary to replace the dry sealing gasket, adjust the jerking handle or a loosely closing phrama, you can adjust the PVC windows with your own hands. It is important to know the basic adjustment points and have a minimum set of tools. The exact adjustment of the PVC windows or the replacement of the node will take very little time.
PVC window adjustment tools
- The main working tool for adjusting the PVC windows will be a hexagonal setting key No. 4. There are two versions of its execution “G” and “Z”, any of the modifications is suitable for work.
- A screwdriver with a set of bit. Bits of asterisk (marking T, TX) will come in handy.
- Pla-rods, machine oil or Aerosol type WD-40.
Basic nodes for setting up windows made of metal -plastic
Replacing rubber sealing on the windows of PVC
- Rubber sealing pads must be changed over time. Natural mechanical wear and rubber drying out under the influence of temperature changes and atmospheric phenomena. Rubber gaskets not only dry out, but also significantly sit down. This happens with a long stay of the window in a compressed state.
- The replacement is easy to make. Put the old rubber seal with a flat screwdriver and remove it.
- In the vacant longitudinal groove along the perimeter of the window, carefully insert a new seal. It is important to keep in mind that rubber is used to stretch. The seal is inserted evenly and tightly seated in a longitudinal groove.
Adjustment of the clamping mechanism of window transmigs
- As a rule, it is advisable to adjust the adjustment of the clamping mechanism twice a year in spring and autumn. This is due to the influence of environmental temperature on polyvinyl chloride. The instruction is not complicated to adjust PVC windows.
- On the end part of the transom, there are protruding eccentric oval shapes, which are located in the slots of the plugs and are called trunics. The mechanism provides for return hooks that are driven by turning the handle.
- To weaken the density of pressing the window, the eccentric turns in the outside, and for increased - on the contrary, into the internal one. For adjustment, depending on the manufacturer, a slot for a slotted screwdriver or the ability to crank up the trunnipers with pliers.
- In case of difficulties during the configuration of the clamping mechanism, weaken the fasteners of the protracted mechanism. This can be done by releasing two bolts using a hexagonal key No. 4.
Setting when grinning the edge of the window of the window frame
- Such problems arise when the reinforcement of the mechanism is shaken. There is nothing wrong with this and everything is easy to correct. Framug in the correct position is manually put up.
- The lower canopy and upper “scissors” system have adjusting bolts, for a hexagonal key, for configuration and fixation.
- To adjust in height, the lower canopy is used. A protective cap is removed and the hexagonal key is adjusted. Clockwise adjusting upwards, against the clock adjustment down.
- To fit the window horizontally, a bolt sets in the lower part of the canopy is used. The tuning bolt is located in parallel to the window and has two extensions for configuration. You can get to it from the sash or slope of the window. Smoothly scrolling the tuning bolt, the sash of the window moves to the right or to the left.
Eliminating problems with window pens
Lifting window handle
This is the simplest operation. Under the handle itself is a decorative, rectangular plate. It needs to be sprouted 90 ° in any direction. In the nest that opened, there are two fasteners under the cross screwdriver. They only need to be tightened.
Replacement of a wretched window handle
- For dismantling and replacing a broken or spoiled handle, it is enough to unscrew the screws with a screwdriver and the handle can easily be removed.
- For replacement, it is important to purchase a similar pen. It can be bought in a construction store or from a company engaged in the installation of metal -plastic windows.
The handle is not closed to the end or badly closes
- Remove the protective valve and weaken the fasteners. The lower screw is fastening, and the upper screw is adjustable. The lower screw is slightly weaken, adjust the handle with the top.
- If this did not help, then the possible reason is dusting or the need for lubrication. To do this, disassemble the handle, clean the mechanism and grease the working surfaces with a thin layer of machine oil. You can use a deep penetration of the WD-40 type.
Repair of a jammed handle
- There is a situation when the window pen is jamming. This happens if the locking locking reinforcement is incorrectly triggered. To unlock the jammed handle, it is enough to take the lock lever and free the handle.
- The lock lever is located on the end side of the window sash from the handle side. According to the design, there are two types of locking stoppers in the form of a plate or tongue. With an open sash, it is at an angle in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sealing gum.
A more detailed and visual description of the PVC windows adjustment, see the video at the end of the article. It is not difficult to carry out the repair and adjustment of PVC windows independently when knowing some nuances.