One of the necessary living conditions is regular water supply. In apartment buildings, this function is performed by centralized systems. But in the private territory, this problem has to be solved independently. One of the water supply options is the construction of a polymer well, which will allow you to get water uninterruptedly. Moreover, the process has a comparative cheapness. 


Features of the operation of polymer -sand wells


The well is a hydraulic structure intended for the extraction of groundwater. This design has the shape of a vertical deepening, the walls of which are strengthened by a certain material.


In addition to standard water tanks today, there is a need to build such types of structures as gas pipeline, sewage, drainage and revision wells. The quality of the structure is affected by the material from which it is made. During operation, a number of adverse factors have an effect on the well: groundwater containing chemicals, temperature differences and dampness. All these conditions are able to violate the tightness of the tank, so the material for manufacturing should have good resistance to such natural factors.


Well repair is a difficult task. For this reason, the most justified choice will be the use in the construction of high -quality and resistant to various influences of the material. For a long time, reinforced concrete was the main raw material for the manufacture of wells. However, due to the dynamic development of the construction industry, new types of structures appeared on the market. One of these options is a polymer-sand well, which has high hermetic characteristics.
These alternative structures are not all the same. They differ in diameter, the load that the hatch is able to withstand, as well as in the thickness of the rings that make up the structure. The deeper the well, the thicker its walls should be. The diameter of the well depends on its purpose. For example, for laying communications, as a rule, narrow wells are quite suitable.


Manufacturing technology


Polimerpesian raw materials are made from a mixture of composite material and sand filler. Composites are an artificially created material - a type of plastic. The manufacturing method is hot pressing. During this process, mixing powder elements and exposure by high temperature and pressure occurs. As a result, the polymer envelops each particle of the filler. With subsequent solidification, the mass forms a strong monolithic structure.

The structure of the structure


The well consists of separate fragments. Sand-polymer rings for wells have a height of 200 cm. The structure also includes an adapter that is attached to the last ring. On top it is covered with a hatch with a lid. Depending on the ability to withstand the load provided, these structural elements are divided into three categories:

  1. The first category includes hatches designed for a load of up to 3 tons.
  2. The second category is hatches that can withstand up to 7 tons.
  3. And the latest type includes products with 15 tons.

In addition to this, the polymer-sand assembly well has a bottom, the height of which is 30 cm. Thanks to this indicator, the capacity has absolute tightness. The bottom is attached directly to the ring itself.


The number of fragments included in the structure is determined by the depth of the well. Due to the fact that it is permissible to install any number of rings, polymer -sand wells are easier to mount to large depths than their analogues from other materials. But there is a standard design norm. These are 8 rings combined with an adapter, bottom plate and a hatch with a lid.


Advantages of the polymer -sand well

The significant advantages of this material include the following factors:

  1. A relatively small weight of the structure. A fragment of a polymer-sand structure has a mass of about 60 kg, while the total weight of the well is 250 kg. If we compare this indicator with reinforced concrete analogues, you can see a significant difference. A fragment of the reinforced concrete structure has a weight of more than 500 kg.
  2. The weight of polymer sand material significantly facilitates the installation process. To deliver it to a construction site, the use of special equipment is not required.
  3. The well also understands the elements, which gives an additional advantage during transportation. The hatch or rings from this raw material will be able to raise two people, and they can be transported by a trailer for a car. This circumstance has a positive effect on the cost of installation.
  4. It should also be noted that the lack of need for special equipment provides ease of installation in hard -to -reach places. If necessary, you can dismantle, while the product will not be damaged.
  5. A well made of polymer-sand raw materials is resistant to moisture. This is explained by the undermined structure of this construction structure. In the presence of large pores in the winter, the material expands even more, which leads to the occurrence of microcracks. The polymer-sand well is able to withstand about 500 freezing without any damage.
  6. In addition, during the construction there will be no difficulties in performing the docking. Fragments of the well from polymer -sand raw materials have the ability to hermetically united. Thanks to this type of docking, the design does not pass water at all.
  7. Wastewater is completely not dangerous for the well, because after assembly it is a single monolithic structure.
  8. Wells from a polymer-sand composite are also not susceptible to the influence of various aggressive substances. These particles come together with soil water. But the composite material from which the structures are made does not react with salts, alkalis and acids.
  9. In addition, the material is resistant to temperature differences and various physical influences. At the same time, to achieve this effect, no additional processing is required.
  10. The well is easily connected to the water supply system. To perform this procedure, it is necessary to drill holes in the design itself. In a polymer-sand well, this can be done using household tools. The holes do not need to be additionally processed with protective compounds.
  11. Polymer -sand wells have a rather long service life. They are able to last up to 100 years. In this case, the tightness of the joints will not be broken.
  12. Also, this material is environmentally friendly because it does not distinguish harmful substances throughout its life.
  13. Polymer-sand wells are significantly won at a price among analogues in the construction market, which determines the high popularity of products.

The disadvantages of the well


As a lack of these wells, one can highlight the need for the correct selection of the hatch. Since not every type of hatch can withstand a large load, this condition is especially relevant at the places of the site in which the movement of the car is carried out. Therefore, if you decide to set a well near a gas or access road, you should pay attention to the quality and strength of such a constructive element.


The scope of the polymer -sand well


Among the main spheres of operation of this type of wells, one can distinguish the following:

  1. Private households.
  2. In addition to private sites, wells are common in the territories of parks and automobile parking lots.
  3. Roads designed for the movement of cars and freight transport.


Thanks to a number of positive characteristics of polymer-sand material, various types of wells can be made from this raw material. Drainage, sewer, observation, watering structures, as well as lines are especially popular. Dryness inside the tank allows you to use them for electric networks and telephone communications, since there is no danger of damage to the equipment.


Thus, wells made of a polymer-sand composite have several advantages over their analogues from other materials, in particular from reinforced concrete. They have greater resistance to negative factors, have a longer service life and at the same time are relatively easy to install, are environmentally friendly and differ in a small cost. Due to the presence of a significant number of advantages, polymer -sand wells are widespread in various fields of construction.


Features of the choice and operation of the polymer -sand well are presented on the video fragment:

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