The process of connecting gas to a private house is quite complicated, but very necessary. Although all procedures require patience and material costs from the owner of the house, as a result, he receives a high -quality energy carrier for little money. In connection with developments in the legislative sphere, before proceeding with work on this issue, you should carefully read the instructions for connecting gas to a private house and the legislative acts that regulate this process.
Gas connection to the house: features and stages
Before proceeding with the purchase of a site or a private house, you should definitely study all the communication systems that work in it. If the house is located in a convenient place, this does not mean that gas is brought to it. In the absence of gas, power supply fees and for other utilities increase significantly.
The option of having gas networks is possible, but the lack of connection to them. In this case, it is necessary to carefully study the legislative framework that allows the connection of gas to a private house in accordance with legislative norms.
The distribution gas pipeline should belong to a particular enterprise, such as the village council, Gorgaz or private entrepreneurs who provide gas delivery to the settlement. The amount that needs to be paid for connecting gas and its use depends on the owner of the gas pipeline.
There are several zones of control of the gas pipeline:
- The location of the site from the distribution gas pipeline affects the cost of gas.
- If necessary, the additional laying of the distribution gas pipelines requires additional monetary investments.
- When passing the distribution gas pipeline in transit sections, it is necessary to sign the papers coordinating the permission of the owners of the plots to pass through the gas pipeline.
When calculating the thermal load and the design of the gas connection, the heat load should be determined first of all. This value depends on such factors:
- house area;
- the presence of insulation;
- the number of windows and doors;
- the height of the ceilings.
With the help of experts, calculations will be easier to conduct. For example, if it is planned to heat a room with a ceiling height of 250 cm and a total area of \u200b\u200b20 square meters, then it will require the presence of heating equipment with a capacity of 2 kW.
Tip: Having correctly calculated the thermal load, there will be no problems with gas supply and the installation of boiler equipment. Since these data are needed not only when signing legislative acts, but also during the choice of the boiler.
Connection of gas to a private house - requirements and documentation
The first stage of work involves the choice of owners between independent preparation of all documents and specialized companies that deal with this issue.
The price of the preparation of documents includes the complexity of gas design, so its price varies from $ 1000 to $ 3,000.
In order to obtain the technical conditions of the project, on the issue related to gasification, it is necessary to contact the service that is involved in the maintenance of citizens and is the gas implementer in the settlement in which a private house is located. The availability of:
- statements that will provide an opportunity to obtain these technical conditions;
- copies of the passport of the owner of the house;
- documentation confirming the right of ownership.
In the event that it is planned to connect the gas to a pre -erected building, then the availability of an act of acceptance of the house into operation or technical passport of the building is required.
When connecting gas to the site where the house has not yet been built, it is necessary to provide an agreement confirming the ownership of this site.
Keep in mind that the connection of gas to the house will be possible only when the site is included in the general gasification scheme, and the gas used by consumers will uninterruptedly enter all areas. The collection of this documentation takes from 20 to 30 working days. One of the important conditions of gas equipment is the distance between the gas line and the site. Its maximum length is 210 m, and the maximum gas consumption is 5 cubic meters per hour.
This means that to obtain technical conditions it is required to contact the local gas service department. In technical conditions, the requirements of the gas service, according to which gasification will be carried out, is indicated. To get requirements, you need to provide a copy of the passport and identification code, the technical passport of the house -building and the application in which you need to indicate the heated area, the approximate costs of the gas, the installation location and the technical features of the equipment. Please note that the development of technical conditions is a paid procedure, the cost of which is from $ 30.
When deciding an appeal to the design organization, you should carefully approach its choice. Indeed, the correctness and durability of gas connection depends on the quality of work and the level of competence of specialists. When contacting a company of this kind, be sure to require license and certificates confirming their capabilities in solving your issues.
To contact such a company requires the presence:
- technical conditions;
- the topographic shooting of the site on which engineering communications pre -certified by the local gas service are applied, to make the plan, it is required to hire a special employee, organization or project institute;
- copies of the technical passport of the house or other documentation related to permission for the construction of the house, a construction project is used as an alternative document;
- if heated equipment is installed from abroad, then the availability of certificates of compliance with all the requirements of technical conditions is required, in addition, it is necessary to provide documents confirming its verification for use in your country.
Features and cost of connecting gas to the house
In the relationship with the new rules, gas services, after presenting all the necessary documentation to them, are required to independently connect gas to a private house. Representatives of the gas service must withdraw a gas pipe, which goes from the general purpose of the general purpose to the site on which the house is located. This procedure for connecting a house to gas is from 1000 to $ 1,500. The cost of these work depends on the complexity of the connection and on the length of the pipes.
After this procedure, it is necessary to compare the project to provide gasification to a private house. This process is the most expensive, as it requires Gorgaz or private companies that have permission to conduct such activities.
If we consider the implementation of this process in practice, it is preferable to choose the second option - special companies, since in public services this procedure will be performed from 6 to 9 months. Considering the issue from a material point of view, of course, it is cheaper to contact the public service. Therefore, the choice remains with the owner who must independently decide what is more important to him: time or money.
To prepare project documentation, the availability is required:
- a list of all devices that will connect to gas and their technical features;
- installation of devices and their location directly in the premises of the building, in relation to previously established safety rules and chimney.
After the provision of the documentation, a person called the contractor is determined - he is responsible for the timeliness of the performance of all work and for bringing gas to the house.
When the project is already ready, the turn of work on the installation and construction of the highway comes. In most cases, if the services of a private company are used, then it is engaged in this kind of work. Therefore, choosing contractors, one should proceed from their universality and the possibility of performing two tasks at once - compiling documentation and direct connection. Moreover, when making a comprehensive order, companies provide good discounts.
To ensure the gasification of the building, it requires its verification by special services from Gorgaz. This will take from two to three weeks. Subject to all requirements and conditions and, with a successful completion of the audit, the representative writes out a document - a receipt that indicates the gasification of the building.
Further, all technical documents and receipt are sent to the Gorgaz service. Within three weeks, employees must seal the counter and put the gas.
The company contractor is assigned the performance of work on the actual connection of the summarized distribution pipes directly to the building of the house. But, on the inlet section of the building is a locking reinforcement, which cannot be opened without one of the representatives of the city gas service.
When the connection is completed, the instructions are studied on the rules of safety and the use of gas. After that, gas is supplied and the system’s performance is carried out.
Tip: It is recommended to order a paid service before checking the system, which will help check the presence of leaks in the pipes of the gas pipeline. To avoid the appearance of gas leaks and protect yourself and your home, it is better not to save on this service.
If we take into account the total cost of all work without the price of a gas boiler and other heating equipment, then it ranges from 1000 to $ 5,000, and the deadlines for this procedure are from six to nine months. Although this procedure is quite complicated and requires large financial investments, within three to five years it will fully pay off.
Gas connecting rules to the house
We offer to consider the basic rules that should be executed to connect gas to a private house:
- Submission of documents to Gorgaz. Wait about a month to prepare technical conditions for connecting a house to gas.
- The choice of the most suitable model and power of the boiler, with which the house will be heated and its supply of hot water. The main requirement for equipment: reliability, safety, lack of overspending, efficiency of work.
- Preparation of the premises for the installation of the boiler. The boiler must be installed in a room that is prepared in advance, according to special regulatory documents and fire safety requirements.
- Obtaining an act indicating the compliance of existing chimneys and ventilation ducts with all requirements.
- The development of project documentation, which indicates the architectural properties of the house and the requirements for the SNiP. This project is agreed with special authorities.
- Making gas to a private house, preparing documentation for the state commission.
- The signing of agreements with a company performing a launching nature and conducting regular support for the technical control of equipment.
- Appeal to local authorities, which should give permission to supply gas to a private house.
Equipment of a gas boiler house in a private house
As the main components of the gas boiler, is:
- boiler;
- circulation pump;
- gas burner and highway;
- a system that ensures safe operation;
- a system with the availability of devices for monitoring and measuring performance and work;
- automatic control system.
Depending on the location of the boiler room in a private house, they are divided into:
- separately standing - arranged at a certain distance from the entire house, such a boiler room is less convenient, since in winter it is required to leave the house to control the work of the equipment, in addition, it differs in such advantages: it does not create the noise and unpleasant odor from the combustion of gas, is safer, safer, more safe, does not occupy useful area in the house itself;
- advented boiler houses are more economical in their construction than individual ones, since it necessarily adjoins the building from the walls of such a boiler room, such a boiler room allows you to easily enter it from the house, so it does not cause discomfort in the winter season, it does not require the construction of special equipment and laying the heating main;
- built -in - such types of boiler houses are equipped directly in the room of apartments or private houses, one of the advantages of such types of boiler room is the lack of need for additional laying of the heating main.
We offer to get acquainted with the general requirements that are presented to any type of boiler room for installing a gas boiler:
- it is forbidden to place more than two boilers or other heating devices in the boiler room;
- it is forbidden to place the boiler room in the room with high ignorance;
- the floor in the boiler room should be concrete, it is possible to finish it using tiles;
- wall decoration also requires special attention, since the materials should be non -combustible, such as tiles, metal, concrete or brick;
- the boiler should be located in the center of the room to facilitate its maintenance, if necessary;
- the inside of the entrance doors in the boiler room is sheathed with metal or another type of non -combustible material;
- it is recommended to use only certified equipment with all the necessary licenses, the installation of homemade boilers is unacceptable;
- it is possible to install in a separate room, in a basement or in the kitchen;
- the room for installing the boiler should have natural ventilation, daylight and sufficient area.