If you compare the incandescent lamps and energy -saving ones, then the latter cost a step higher. This light source is much better and more progressive. Therefore, incandescent lamps are less and less, and economics, although it costs several times more expensive, confidently displace them from our dwellings. Having bought such a lamp, we have the right to expect impeccable work from it. It is mainly so, but still sometimes energy -saving lamps begin to blink. Why does an energy -saving lamp blink? Our article will answer this question.
Constructive execution of an energy -saving lamp
The design of the energy -saving lamp includes:
- the flask. The form is the most different;
- two spirals;
- the starting device is electronic.
The work of an energy -saving light bulb
Both the fluorescent and the energy -saving lamp, the principle of operation is one:
- Between the 2 electrodes placed in a flask, in which inert gas and mercury vapors are pumped, a smolder category occurs.
- The invisible ultraviolet radiation of mercury atoms during the passage through the walls of the flask, covered from the inside with a phosphor, turns into the light that we see. At the same time, the color of the light is different, it all depends on what composition the lamp was covered from the inside.
Interesting: Despite the fact that in our networks, the voltage of a variable, energy -saving lamp works on constant. The transformation of the permanent voltage into alternating occurs in an electronic starting device using a diode bridge.
Why are energy -saving lamps flashing
Emphasized by the idea of \u200b\u200bsaving electricity, a person threw out all the usual old lamps in the house and put the energy -saving ones. And how unpleasant it is when they suddenly begin to blink.
The bulbs blink in different ways
They blink energy -saving lamps under different circumstances:
- when the switch is turned on, they are constantly blinking;
- at the time of inclusion and some short time after;
- periodically;
- even when the switch is turned off.
The lamp is turned off, but flashes
Why does an energy -saving lamp blink, because in theory there is no voltage on the network? And the case, it turns out, is not in the lamp, but in the switch with LED or Neonova backlight. And that's why:
- Power contacts are closed as soon as we turn off the switch.
- The lamp, highlighting, begins to burn.
- The electric current of a very small value from the network passes through the lamp, a chandelier with energy -saving light bulbs on the ceiling and again returns to the network. In this case, the capacitor in the electronic circuit of the energy -saving light bulb is recharged and the light flash flashes.
- The capacitor is instantly discharged and again everything is repeated in a circle. That's the whole secret to the blinking of the turned off the energy -saving lamp.
Conclusion: You can not combine a backlight circuit breaker and an energy -saving lamp. Even if you are not annoyed by blinking, then think about how much a cheap lamp is not so fast. Due to the large number of launches, it will quickly consume the resource embedded in it and a maximum of a month after 2 will have to be thrown away.
There may be other reasons, namely:
- errors made during the installation of electrical wiring;
- a lamp released by an unscrupulous manufacturer.
The light flashes when the switch is turned on
As soon as the light turns on, the bulb begins to blink. The phenomenon is very unpleasant, but what is its reason:
- The voltage level in the network is how low that the launching device of the energy -saving lamp cannot launch it into operation. If so, then we take a multimeter, bring it to the outlet and measure the voltage. If there is a deviation from normal (220 V) from 5%, we contact a company engaged in power supply, with a complaint about the non -compliance of the quality of the supplied electricity to the established standard. After all, not only light bulbs, but also household appliances can come out of the system.
- The commissioning device of the energy -saving lamp is malfunctioning. There is nothing left here to buy a new lamp, because The old repair is not subject to repairs.
- There are voltage surges on the network. All complaints about the power supply company, unless, of course, you are doing welding work by including a welding inverter to the house. Then the reason is in it, and this cannot be done.
The energy -saving lamp flashes after turning on
This phenomenon is observed when you have an energy -saving fluorescent lamp having an electromagnetic launch system. With such a malfunction of energy -saving luminescent lamps, such as a workshop starter, a slow launch occurs. Delay up to 10 sec. It is also acceptable, but if more, then change the starter.
Elimination of the reasons for flashing energy -saving lamps
If, buying lamps, you put the quality at the forefront, and not the lowest price, then the issue of a malfunction of the energy -saving lamps disappears. It remains to look for the reason in another and eliminate it:
- The first and easiest way to get rid of the blinking of the lamp in the off state is to open the backlight switch and open the circuit along which the current enters the light bulb. The condenser will cease to be fed and the lamp will stop flashing.
- The second method is radical - change the switch with a light bulb to a regular one.
- The third is a compromise, i.e. And the blinking eliminates and the circuit breaker will remain. A small current recharging the capacitor is neutralized by screwing into a chandelier of 2 or several light bulbs 1 bulb. Of course, this will somewhat reduce the economy of electricity, but it will allow you to take the current from the capacitor to incandescent of the thread. There is still 1 positive moment in this method:
- the energy -saving lamp turns on gradually, and the incandescent lamp immediately, which means that the chandelier will light up faster;
- the color of the radiation of an energy -saving lamp is not always comfortable, and this drawback is compensated in a combination with the light of a conventional lamp. The eyes, by the way, will get tired less.
4. The fourth method is technically duplicated by 3, only an incandescent lamp, but a condenser or 2 W, a resistor with a resistance of 50 kOhm as a shunting element will become an addition. A small current will go through it, but sufficient to ensure that the backlight lights work.
High -quality energy -saving lamps
When buying energy -saving lamps, take a rule to pay attention to who is the manufacturer. The quality of the lamps from such a well -known manufacturer as Philips (Philips) has no doubt. These lamps have good characteristics:
- heat generation is insignificant;
- serves for a long time;
- saves electricity by 80%;
- it turns on without blinking;
- provides light flow 85%.
Another leader in the production of lighting equipment is the German company OSRAM (OSRA). This brand is very popular, and lamps from the OSRAM Dulux Superstar and Osram Duluxstar series are different:
- warm, pleasant, like that of lamps of incandescent with light;
- an almost instant achievement of the planned light flow;
- excellent light output;
- a long service life - 15 thousand hours;
- compact attractive design.
Malfunctions of energy -saving lamps
What are the malfunctions of energy -saving lamps and the methods of their elimination will be considered using the example of Philips 6YR 23W Economy.
Dismantling of energy -saving lamps
The body of the energy -saving lamp is analyzed in the following sequence:
- we take a flat screwdriver and, moving carefully around the perimeter, push the latches;
- disconnect the lamp balloon, unscrewing the 4 wires with which it is connected to the electronic unit;
- we carry out the soldering of the wires connecting the base and the board. The block will remain in the hands. Now it is possible to determine the malfunction.
Frequent malfunctions:
- If an increased voltage was observed on the network, then the capacitor is swollen and flowing, and the lamp will cease to ignite. Here you need to replace CD and testing all semiconductors.
- For the same reason, such a malfunction as a breakdown of the capacitor C5 arises. The lamp shines only where the filament threads are located. We change the capacitor.
- The reason for the incomplete glow of the lamp may be quite long operation. In this case, partially sealing the flask is disrupted, thermoelectronic emission decreases. We throw the lamp.
- When one of the filament threads blocks, the lamp stops burning. In this case, we check the serviceability of the capacitor C5. Where the intensity is torn, we fall out the diode, and in its place we insert 10 ohms of the resistor.
- Another reason for leaving the energy -saving lamp is a faulty diode thyristor (dinistor). This reason is detected by excluding a malfunction of semiconductors, capacitors, throttle windings, and a threads of the intensity. Exit - replacing a faulty element.
- If, calling the resistors and semiconductors, you see that they left the system, then the details, of course, are subject to replacement. But think about whether it is worth doing, because such a repair will cost expensive. It’s easier to buy a new lamp.
See how the author of this video eliminates the blinking of an energy -saving lamp: