Is your dream a shower of tile? You can cope with this task yourself - your bathroom will be transformed, and you will save the family budget, because the purchase of a pallet or an integral shower box can be postponed until better times. If you finish the floor and walls in the bathroom with tiles, you can thus make a beautiful and stylish shower.

Laying tiles instead of buying a shower cabin will save the family budget and make the size of this necessary attribute in the bathroom at its discretion. You can do without a pallet, it is easy to make it from the same ceramic tiles or not to make a side at all. The place for the pallet will still have to be done or in advance (when building a house or decoration of the bathroom) or a slope in this place so that the water drains into the drain hole, and does not spread through the floor of the bathroom.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of showers of tiles without a pallet

If you carefully study the story, it becomes clear that in the last century and much earlier, people equipped the bathroom in this way. After all, there were no modern hydroboxes and showers at that time, by the way, the bathtubs were also installed in every apartment. It was possible to do without a bath, but without a place where a shower could be taken - no way. Therefore, enterprising owners equipped a room for bath procedures on their own. They allocated part of the room in the bathroom, put ceramic tiles on the walls and floor, pre -thought out where the pipes would take place and how to connect the mixer. So it was customary to equip the shower in private houses or in the country. In apartment buildings, this idea was only recently embodied in reality. By the way, this is a great option to save space and not buy a bulky shower. You can do without a pallet and thus save money and purchase beautiful tiles. In addition, an indisputable advantage of an independent construction of a shower booth from tiles is comfort and convenience. Such a shower is suitable for people with disabilities.

What are the advantages of a shower cabin for tiles:

  • long service life;
  • the design is reliable;
  • ease of operation and maintenance. The tile is easy to wash, it withstands the effect of any cleaning agents, which cannot be said about the capricious shower. The tile does not attract dirt to itself and does not absorb moisture;
  • strong surface. If we compare the materials from which modern showers with tiles are made, we can conclude that the material is durable and even after 10 years of operation with tiles, nothing will happen (with proper care);
  • everyone will be able to make a shower of tiles, since there is no need to purchase expensive materials. You only need to choose the right tile and mixer.

And now you need to learn about the shortcomings of the shower cabin made of tiles:

  • compared to expensive showers, in your secluded corner for taking a shower there will be only one watering can;
  • the replacement of water and sewer pipes can be carried out only during major repairs. We'll have to tear the tile to replace the pipe section or put a new mixer. You need to take care of this in advance and choose only high -quality materials ”;
  • complex connection to the sewage system.

Shower cabin of tiles. Photo:




Shower tile

As it had already become clear, a shower booth made of tiles is a simple solution. But even such an idea can be turned into a small masterpiece, if you choose the right facing material. The popular finishing material for bathrooms has been tile for many decades for many decades.

When choosing this finishing material, you need to take into account the main characteristics of the tiles. Namely, the tile can have a glossy surface (smooth and slippery to the touch), matte (without shine), smooth and also embossed. Which tile is best to purchase?


Let's dwell on this issue in more detail:

  • if you pay attention to the glossy and smooth tiles, you can find that the tile is able to reflect light. If you correctly place lighting devices, then the small space of the bathroom will turn into a fantastic underwater world. Observe the game of light - tiles reflects the rays that play in the stream of water and shimmer beautifully on wet walls. Such tiles are easy to contain, since pollution is not lingered on the surface. There are also the minuses of the product: even if there are some water on the floor, the tile becomes very slippery, like a rink. Therefore, you need to consider all the details well and if you decide to make a shower of such a tile, then you need to immediately buy a rubber rug on the floor that prevents sliding on the surface;
  • a great alternative to slippery surface is laying matte tiles. In large building supermarkets, there are separate windows with ceramic tiles designed only for styling in the bathroom. There are many collections of such tiles for decoration of walls and floor. You can not worry about your safety, even if excess fluid will accumulate in the pallet;
  • relief tiles are not only the most practical. With the help of this material, the most daring ideas can be realized into reality, for example, to make a shower under a tree or natural stone.

What color of the tile remains in the priority? Designers will advise you to dwell on calm tones, always in fashion tiles of gray tones (all shades), brown, as well as white and black.

If you want to make the shower tiles and get closer to the water element as much as possible, you should pay attention to blue or green (all shades, starting from delicate and ending with saturated). In the shower, the blue palette of tiles, beige and green looks beautiful in the shower.


If your idea is to make the shower of the original booth, pay attention to the juicy colors of the tile. Bright elements on the plain wall will revive a small space. Think about mosaic technique, you can lay out a beautiful pattern from small mosaic tiles and thus make the shower of the booth individual and unique.

DIY shower cabin

We start with preparation. First you need to think about what the ladder will be. This nuance must be taken into account when developing a project. If you decide to make a shower booth without a pallet, then you need to take care of the flooring in advance. So, in order to make a shower booth with an even floor (visually), the ladder itself needs to be mounted at a height of 15 cm from the floor level.


If there is a desire, think about the step - the shower pallet can be made of tiles, but it is better, as well as it is safer for further operation of the shower cabin to make a thickening of the floor.

It should consist of 5 layers:

  • polystyrene foam (thermal insulation layer);
  • cement screed;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • layer of cement screed;
  • tiles.


You need to place the ladder according to the following rules: in the center or at the entrance to the booth.

Do not forget about the need to build a slope for driving and draining water. Another point - the size of a shower booth made of tiles can be different, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom and your personal preferences. And an important detail, what will be the door of the shower? You can buy glass, matte plastic or transparent. The door will help to avoid spraying water around the bathroom. By the way, you can save and not install the doors, but limit yourself to only a shower curtain.

Tools and materials for laying tiles in a shower cabin

To work on laying tiles, it is necessary to prepare the following:

  • tile;
  • glue for tiles;
  • mixer with shower watering can;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • the construction level for determining the slope;
  • kelm;
  • a set of spatulas;
  • container for kneading the solution;
  • a knife for cutting tiles.

How to lay out a shower of tiles

Let's start with the construction of the ramp - this device is a design made of durable material (cast iron or plastic) in which there is a grille with a case, a siphon and a seal, as well as a clamping device to ensure sealing this site. The sewer ladder is built into the floor and is connected to the sewer pipes to ensure the outflow of water from the shower.

The next stage is the laying of waterproofing material not only on the floor, but also on the camps. Let's start from the floor - you need to remove the old screed and lay the layer of waterproofing material (the photo shows liquid waterproofing).


Liquid waterproofing is a special powder, which is diluted according to the principle of preparing a concrete solution. To get a homogeneous mass, you need to dilute the powder with water (proportions according to the instructions) or buy a ready -made waterproofing mixture. So that the moisture does not penetrate inside, it is enough to apply a thin layer of material with a wide brush or roller in the place where the arrangement of the shower (on the floor and walls) is planned.

When the insulation layer dries, you can lay out the base of brick (it is better to work with silicate brick, it is more hardy). The solution for laying bricks will be prepared from a bucket of cement and 3 buckets of river sand, add 1 bucket of water and a little plasticizer (only 70 g). You can buy a ready -made mixture for masonry in a construction store.

How to make a brick pallet:

  • we put a metal mesh and a cement layer on the base;
  • we lay a brick. The size of the pallet can be different, depending on the size of the room. We comply with the condition that the pallet in the finished form is 5 cm higher than the sewage pipe;
  • in the process of laying brick, it is necessary to decide on the location of the drain hole, make the ladder to connect it to the sewer pipe;
  • we have pipes under the slope so that the water drains down and does not stagnate. If there is no slope, then under the pipes you need to put a bar (a slope angle of 3 degrees);
  • we fix the sewer pipe on the floor, pre -insert into a strong metal base so that under the weight of the building materials the pipe is not damaged or bought in advance and install a strong structure (orange);
  • install construction beacons and fill the prepared base with a cement. We knead the solution along with gravel and sand. To remove the excess air, we insert a surround in a still unfinished solution;
  • after drying the screed, the surface is treated with a waterproofing mixture;
  • the next step is to apply a self -leveling mixture. In the place of the drain, we deepen the hole so that the water drains without difficulty. The floor level must correspond to the level of the tile (the height equal to the rack with a rack);
  • when the screed grabs, you can put the tile directly on the pallet, taking into account the slope for the drain hole. Buy a special glue for tiles with water -repellent properties so that the tile holds well in a wet room;
  • conducting water pipes, installing the mixer, laying electrical wires for lighting and arranging forced ventilation - all this must be done before tiles are laid;
  • the final stage - laying tiles on the walls and floor - this is the most important and responsible part of the work. First you need to make a solution (or order ready -made in a construction store). Laying tiles should be started from the lower part from the angle of the wall, gradually moving up. First, we put a layer of cement on the wall with a trowel, draw a wide wave -shaped spatula along the wall, apply a solution to the tile. We level the solution with a wide spatula and attach the tile on the surface. The next tile needs to be planted in the same way. Between the tiles, while the solution is still fresh, we put the beacons so that the distance is the same everywhere.

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How to make a shower cabin with your own hands from tiles, watch this video:

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