LLC Aleksma
Description:The electrical company Aleksma LLC is engaged in the supply of industrial electrical equipment, such as transformers, electric motors, hydrofoils, contrivals, starters, electromagnets, switches, relay, diodes, thyristors, switches, coils, cables, wires, circuit breakers, lighting equipment, and shield equipment. We are an official representative of the companies: IEK, EKF, ABB, Schneider Electric, Dekraft, Legrand, Novatek, Meander, Relay and Automation. Our contacts: Tel. +7 351 725 77 82, site:
The address on the map:
Russia, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk tract, 5, building 3
+7 Show the number(+73517257782) +73517257782
Company from Chelyabinsk
Category: Technique, tools, equipment
Address:Azarova Angelica
Additional. telephone:
+7 show ...(+73517257782) +73517257783
Contact person:Azarova Angelica
Profitable products and services:Transformers, electric motors, hydrotheps, contrivals, starters, electromagnets, switches, relay, diodes, thyristors, switches, coils, cables, wires, rubberlers, lighting equipment, thyroid equipment, etc.