Garbage tanks, urns, ashtrays. You can’t say right away that these are essential items.  But it is impossible to imagine a suburban house without such familiar and inconspicuous parts of the interior.


The easiest way to get a garbage tank or urine is to buy in the nearest store. This is the way of lazy people. Isn't it better to make a garbage tank with your own hands. And it's not even about saving.  A little patience and imagination, and the suburban area will decorate not a standard nondescript bucket, but a real masterpiece.


Do I need to make garbage tanks and urns with your own hands?

Garbage tanks, photos of which are placed below, will become a decoration of any country house:


Urns and garbage tanks made by yourself have a number of advantages:

  1. Saving money. Even if the purchase of a garbage tank or ordinary urn will not hit the budget.  A little savings will not hurt.
  2. Such products are more beautiful, brighter than store. They are individual, unique, fit perfectly into the interior.
  3. Their creation develops imagination, gives pleasure and joy in the process of creation.
  4. The ability to make urns and garbage tanks, dimensions, color, shape and style of which are ideal for a specific place of placement.


Decoration of garbage tanks

The easiest way to get the original garbage tank is to purchase an inexpensive factory -made tank and decorate it. All that is needed for this is acrylic paints, a brush and a little imagination.

Even special artistic talents for decorating a tank are not required. There are many simple patterns that everyone can fulfill. For example, geometric patterns. Choose a sketch according to your abilities and desires and forward - to the goal.

  • Garbage tank from a barrel. If the farm has an old unnecessary barrel - you do not need to buy a container for garbage. Roll it. Decorate your liking. Install in a convenient place. The problem with the garbage container is solved.


  • Garbage tanks made of plastic bottles. For the manufacture of a garbage tank with your own hands, any materials available at hand are suitable. For example, old plastic bottles. This is a wonderful material that is constantly accumulating in any house.

Advice: To get beautiful and neat garbage tanks, select plastic bottles of one shape. Moreover, they can be either one color or multi -colored.

Having prepared a sufficient amount of the main “building material”, proceed directly to the manufacture of the garbage tank:

  • Make the base, the middle and the top of the future garbage tank. Take 3 elements of any convenient shape. It can be a rectangle, circle or oval. You can make them from a large section or aluminum plates. In extreme cases, even a metal profile for drywall is suitable. Try that all three elements are the same size and shape.
  • Make a tank frame. To do this, take from 2 to 4 pieces of reinforcement or a metal profile of one length. The length of one piece of reinforcement is the height of the future tank. Use reinforcement or profile as lateral racks. Attach the bottom, middle and top of the tank to the racks. For fastening, wire, clamps or rivets can be used.

Advice: The height of the tank should be multiple of the height of one plastic bottle.


Build the walls of the tank using previously prepared plastic bottles:

  1. Cut the steel wire into pieces, the length of which by 30 cm exceeds the height of the tank.
  2. In the center of the bottom and covers of all plastic bottles, make holes. Use a nail or awl.
  3. Using pliers, fix the end of the wire on the bottom of the frame. For reliability, make 2-3 turns.
  4. Put one or more plastic bottles into the wire. The number of bottles depends on the alleged tank height. With proper calculations, the neck of the upper bottle applies to the middle of the frame.
  5. Fasten the wire on the middle part of the frame, making 2-3 turns.
  6. Put on the wire the required amount of plastic bottles.
  7. Firmly fix the wire on the upper part of the frame. For consolidation, use the pliers.
  8. Repeat the above procedures until you equip the entire frame with bottles.
  9. Try to carefully pull the wire. Neighboring bottles should fit one to the other very tightly.
  10. When using multi -colored bottles, try to achieve a harmonious pattern when placing them. It can be the alternation of bottles - the strip is white, the strip is brown. It is possible to perform the lower part of the tank in one color, and the upper one with the other.  Feel free, show imagination.
  11. The garbage tank is ready. Of course, it is not intended for burning waste and heavy garbage.

Usually such tanks are deprived of the bottom. To clean it, there is no need to turn it over, it is enough to tilt slightly.

You think this is inconvenient - build the bottom in any convenient way:

  1. Pull the lower horizontal part of the frame with wire tightly. The bottom will turn out not solid. The smaller the step of weaving, the more small garbage it will hold.
  2. Cut the bottom from any material. It can be aluminum, steel sheet. Even moisture -resistant plywood is suitable. The option of using dense cardboard is not excluded. In this case, the tank must be installed in a place protected from moisture. On the perimeter of the bottom, drill holes. Attach the bottom to the lower part of the frame with wire.

Great urn from a barrel or bucket

Do not rush to throw away the old bucket or a barrel who served your term. An excellent urn will come out of them. If the starting material is the old bucket:

  • The modernization, although an old, but a whole bucket under the urn, is very simple. It is enough to buy bright colors and decorate it at your discretion.
  • If the bucket rustled, carefully clean the rust. Put on a hole a patch of aluminum or tin. Pour a bucket outside, and if necessary, a self -adhesive tape of one neutral shade. To decorate the urn, use pieces of multi -colored self -adhesive tape or paint.


How to make a barn from a barrel that has served his age:

  1. Cut the barrel to the desired size.
  2. Remove the rust, lay the gaps.
  3. Cover the barrel with any building material. It can be wood, plywood, plastic, dense cardboard.
  4. Paint the resulting urn. Feel free to fantasize.

Urna from old car tires

A beautiful urn is obtained from old car tires. Even if there is no its car, any maintenance station will happily provide them with everyone, and completely free.  It is very easy to make an urn from the tires. This will not take much time:

  • Take 2-3 old car tires.
  • Carefully clean them of dirt and soot.


  • Rinse the tires with water and dry.
  • Fix the tires from the inside with metal brackets.
  • Outside, disguise the joints. A piece of car chamber is good.
  • Paint the urn with any bright colors.
  • Since such an urn is deprived of the bottom, use garbage bags.

Advice: It is advisable to use garbage bags for any urn design. This will facilitate cleaning and relieve the need to wash the urn.

Urna with a lid

Often the urn is installed in the open area.  In this case, it is desirable to protect its contents from the rain.  Make an urn with a lid:

  • Take the disk from the old wheel. A beautiful stable base for the urn will come out of it.
  • Using aluminum strips or metal profile, connect the disk with a conventional bucket. For connection, use bolts or self -tapping screws. The bucket is attached so that the strips or profile protrude above its upper edge by at least 10 cm.
  • Attach the lid to the upper part of the structure. It can be a cover from a bucket or any pan of the corresponding diameter.


DIY ashtray

One of the varieties of urns is an ashtray.  Ash, both desktop and flooring, are an indispensable attribute of any private house. Even if the owner does not smoke, the ashtray does not hurt. She successfully performs the functions of a miniature urn. In addition, not all guests lead a healthy lifestyle. Install the floor ashtrays near the barbecue at the entrance to the gazebo.

What are the table ashtrays from. Wood and plastic, gypsum, clay, metal. The most fast and simple way to make an ashtray is to use an ordinary beer can:

  1. Take an empty jar of carbonated water or beer.
  2. Wash it thoroughly.
  3. Using a sharp knife, cut the top of the jar. Contact the edges.
  4. Make vertical cuts to the bottom of the can with scissors. The incision should not reach the bottom by 2-3 cm. The width of each strip is about 1-1.5 cm.
  5. Roll up each strip down in the form of a roll or bend them, intertwining with each other.
  6. The simplest table ashtray is ready.


DIY floor ashtray:

  1. For the manufacture of a floor ashtray, an old can of milk or a waist of a ventilation pipe is perfect.
  2. Cover the can with a small net, decorate. Install in the right place and proceed to use.
  3. With the trim of the pipe, you will have to tinker a little longer.  Put the old bucket inside the pipe or use its bottom. Cover the pipe with a small removable grid, decorate. The ashtray is ready for operation.

Advice: When working with metals that must be cut, be very careful. There is a very high probability of injuries.

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