The drainage system is an extremely important component of almost any structure. And first of all, this applies to structures that have a large area. In the event that we are talking about a large amount of precipitation, the drainage system allows you to remove all the waters, thereby leaving the building in the previous state.

In the event that the drain is absent, the water simply begins to accumulate on the surface of the roof (often), which negatively affects the general condition of the structure. Of course, some cunning people simply create a roof with a certain inclination, which allows you to remove water without any problems even without a full -fledged drainage system.

At the usual summer cottage site, it is advisable to implement a full -fledged drain system that would quickly and qualitatively take precipitation to a safe place. Of course, not always such ventures end in success, but often this does not create any special problems.

To date, the elements of the drain system are based on various materials, and often all these options are used the same actively - depending on the place of application. Of course, recently, the owners of private houses often use plastic elements. Despite such material, they are quite strong and presentable, which allows you to count on a long service period, as well as on a pleasant external component.

In this material, we will examine in detail the issues related to the installation of the drain within the framework of private houses. In addition, we analyze the numerous details that are based on drain systems.


Features of modern drainage systems

First of all, I would like to say that the drain is the same system that in almost all situations has one principle of action. If we talk about private houses and similar structures, then often the process is similar. We are talking about the use of drains from different materials - all of them have no influence on the general specifics of the system.

In this material, we will talk about the classic drain systems, which are often used in small houses. Most often, these systems are made on the basis of the following materials:

  • copper;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • galvanized steel.

Specialists focus on the fact that the general specificity of the operation of the drain does not depend on the material, however, the durability of the system depends on them. Thus, if the owners want the drain to serve them for decades, you should pay attention to modern variations of drains.

For example, modern polyvinyl chloride is a material on the basis of which roofs, drainage systems and much more are created. Its main merit is the total strength, which is slightly higher than that of the classic plastic that has been used to create drains for many years. Also, a waterproof of polyvinyl chloride is able to withstand the action of corrosion, as well as various deformations. Well, the most important thing that excites many owners: such a drain is resistant to weak acids, alkalis and salts. Accordingly, we are talking about the fact that for many years such a drain will be in its initial state, and this is exactly what is necessary for the owners and at home.

It is impossible to bypass that the PVC drain often has a number of constructive features, so that water is directly removed extremely quickly, reliably and efficiently. For example, the transverse ribs of drains significantly increase the strength of the structure, especially if there is a possibility of mechanical damage to the drain.

It is interesting that many owners make a choice in favor of plastic (and the like) drains for the reason that they have a minimum ice adhesion. Accordingly, he will not stay on this system for years, thereby leaving the drainage itself and the drain itself in the safety. Also in the current situation, many experts speak extremely negatively about most metal gutters. The bottom line is that ice and metal are excellently adhere to, and this creates extremely serious problems. The same problem is well known to residents of old houses, on the roofs of which a huge amount of ice and other precipitation accumulates in winter. Of course, first of all, you should think about security, and only then about the state of the drain itself.

Modern technologies have come to the point that the plastic is based on the gutters is not at all afraid of sudden temperature differences, as well as the bright sun, although these factors often create problems for metal components.


The shape of the drain

Surely people who were interested in drainage products drew attention to the fact that rectangular gutters are often cheaper than round - about 15%. However, practice shows that the installation of rectangular drains is somewhat more complicated than systems with a round cross section.

Moreover, the owners who are going to install the drain on their private house often pay attention to round elements, while rectangular sections often do not look very attractive.

If we talk about the positive aspects of rectangular gutters, I would like to say about the practicality of their use in rather complex angles and protrusions on the facade itself. Accordingly, in such a situation, a round drain may not be the best option.

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that for round gutters on sale you can find a tremendous number of adapters that allow you to install the system in almost any conditions. In the case of rectangular drains, the situation is somewhat more complicated, since the range of adapters is not so extensive. However, often for the owners there are enough several standard parts to arrange a full -fledged system.

Specificity of the diameter of the gutters and drain pipes

Before purchasing elements for the drain, it is necessary to determine the diameter of the future system. It is most important to remember that it is advisable to contact specialists without experience, otherwise you can face a number of problems. It is interesting that often experts consult free at points of sale, so there should be no particular difficulties.

Immediately after the most optimal diameter of the pipes was calculated, it becomes clear how many parts are needed. The most diverse configurations and throughput of the future system are also taken into account. The most interesting thing is that the pipes in the system can have various diameters, which allows you to extract maximum benefits from the existing drain.

With a truly high -quality calculation of the future system, a variety of factors will be taken into account, and already during operation the drain will demonstrate excellent work even with tremendous precipitation and other situations. We are talking about throughput, which determines the volume of water transmitted with a specific roof size.


DIY drain installation

First of all, it is worth saying that the process of installing the drain should be performed in a strict sequence, otherwise it is unlikely to avoid problems. It is worth remembering that in order to obtain the optimal result, in addition to text instructions, you should look at this process with your own eyes. We are talking about a variety of video materials available on the Internet. The situation is in such a way that first of all you need to draw up a scheme or plan, which will allow the entire planned process as quickly as possible. All this is done in free form. It is advisable to arm yourself with a leaf and pencil, and then depict the entire system. It should be borne in mind that right during the process of installing the drain, something can change, so you should be prepared for any surprises.

It should be borne in mind that the scheme and some conclusions about the process should be made only after all the necessary information about the drain was analyzed, and only after that you can proceed to the installation.

Installation of fasteners

  • Obviously, the fasteners are extremely important components of the drainage system, so it is worth paying attention to each part so that the design is as reliable and durable as possible.
  • Accordingly, the process begins with the installation of brackets. It should be borne in mind that many brackets are now being produced, so you should first pay attention to the surface on the basis of which the mount will occur, including the wall and the rafter system.
  • Many experts advise paying attention to the fact that the axial line of the brackets should be slightly tilted (about 5 cm for every ten meters). The bottom line is that such an idea will allow you to install a groove with a certain angle that allows you to produce high -quality drain into the pipe. Accordingly, even with strong rains, the water will not accumulate anywhere and immediately get into the necessary place of drain.
  • It is important to pay attention to the fact that often the groove is a fairly long design - from 20 meters or more. In this case, it is recommended to make 2 slopes, which will significantly increase the efficiency of the system. In this situation, not 1, but 2 drain pipes will be required at once, since there can be too many precipitation, and the drain may not cope with similar precipitation.
  • The brackets themselves are attached with a step of about 50-60 cm. There are quite difficult situations in which the fastening is planned to be carried out on the basis of rafters, but the distance between them is 100 or more centimeters. In this case, in order to withstand the above step, it is necessary to use 2 types of fasteners, one of which is attached to the rafters, while the others are based on the walls.
  • It is worth noting that no conflicting decisions related to fasteners can be made, since there really depends a lot on fasteners, and it is impossible to allow the drain to fall off.

Installation of funnel of drainage

Water intake funnels are the most important part of the system. Their fastening occurs at the places of drain risers. Obviously, there should be a fixed amount that allows you to get rid of all the water without unnecessary problems. Modern drain systems are objects in which funnels also serve as a connector of plastic gutters, which is important.

Fasten the funnels with glue. Obviously, this method of fastening implies extremely responsible work, since it is extremely easy to make a mistake. Immediately after fastening, the funnel is equipped with a net, which will not allow the drain and other contaminants to penetrate the drain. Of course, this is an important point, since various clogs can make serious problems to the owners.

The arrangement of gutters

As we said earlier, gutter can have various forms - often we are talking about round and rectangular structures. Accordingly, the choice of fasteners depends on the form. Previously, we mentioned the fixers, and now it remains only to insert a gutter into them.

An equally important issue in this case is the blocking of the edges that will not be used in the future. Accordingly, it is necessary to use special plugs that perfectly fit into the created drain. Of course, it is possible without a plug, but without it the drain does not look so presentable.

Experts advise using plugs with rubber seals that demonstrate high efficiency in any conditions.


Installation of the knees of the drain

The knees are a part of the drain that has a round or rectangular shape, and it depends on the shape of the funnel. However, before the installation of the drain, you should take care of all the necessary parameters in advance.

The knee is simply mounted on a funnel from the lower part. This component of the system is necessary for the direction of the drain pipe in the right direction. Next, it becomes possible to fasten the system with clamps. It is also worth remembering that the knees often have different angles, so during installation it is worth paying attention to all the subtleties.

Installation of german risers

Installation of risers is an extremely simple process. To obtain a qualitative result, it is necessary to attach this part to the knee from below. After that, a fairly simple mount occurs with clamps. Well, in the end, if required, another pipe joins the pipe, but only if the height of the initial component of the drain is not enough.

Many people who plan to install the drain are thinking about the issue related to the clamps. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in this case, different mounting elements for different surfaces should be used (walls are brick, wooden). The clamp itself is a fastening with two arcs that are worn on the riser from different sides. The fixation itself occurs directly on the basis of two bolts that are attached at the ends of the arcs.

The arrangement of the drain drainage

Obviously, the drain is an extremely important element, since with its help the precipitation is displayed precisely to the place in which the owners need. Experts advise doing so that from the edge of the drain to the blind area there is a distance of about 40 cm. Often you can see plums that are located at a really large distance from the structure itself. In some cases, this is a necessary measure, so nothing should be surprised.



It should be borne in mind that all the above issues related to the drain can only be the beginning of work. The thing is that the owners often need to create a sewage system that would easily divert the tremendous volumes of precipitation. This is especially true if the structure has a large area, and the roof collects an incredibly large amount of water.

At the same time, it is possible to significantly simplify this idea by arranging special paths for draining water from the drain to the right place. For example, it can be the nearest reservoir or some kind of container.

In fact, in this matter there is a tremendous freedom of choice, so people involved in the improvement of the site and home have the opportunity to easily realize a wide variety of ideas, some of which may even be too specific.

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