Toutful lamps due to the uniform distribution over the surface of the ceiling allow you to illuminate the entire room and furniture that are in it. Other lighting devices such as a chandelier or sconces cannot cope with this task. After all, they are installed in the central part of the ceiling. Since light will come from one point, the appearance of shadows is inevitable. Let us consider in detail the features of the choice and installation of spotlights.
Varieties of lamps
Point lighting elements are divided into several types. Distinguish:
- invoices;
- built -in models.
Devices related to the first type are fixed using special elements - clip. This allows you to install overhead spotlights on vertical and horizontal surfaces of brick, concrete or drywall. The decorative part of these devices is located outside, which they differ from built -in elements. Such lamps look more massive, so not always suitable for use in small rooms. However, their main advantage is an extensive choice of design. Today you can find overhead lamps with glass ceiling, decorated with various patterns, as well as with crystal pendants or decor in the form of leaves and colors.
Built -in spotlights are divided into several types. Distinguish:
- fluorescent;
- lED;
- halogen devices.
Each of them differs in its operational properties. The main advantage of fluorescent models is the energy -saving principle of work. These lamps can save 80% of electricity compared to incandescent lamps. But when making a choice in favor of these lighting devices, it should be borne in mind that the lamps with which they are equipped contain mercury vapors. The concentration of this substance is very insignificant, but when working with these lamps, care must be taken.
The advantages of halogen devices include environmental safety and a long service life. They radiate bright, as close to natural light as possible light. In addition, halogen models allow you to get a wide variety of colors. By characterizing the operational qualities of these devices, one should also mention their certain deficiency. Hageline lamps are not energy -saving. It will not be possible to save electricity with their help. They can also be damaged as a result of the voltage difference.
Point LED lamps in energy saving are ahead of fluorescent devices. These models have glass or plastic scatters. Under them are LEDs, which provide lighting. LED devices can radiate white light (it is divided into cold and warm glow) and colored (yellow, blue or red). They withstand voltage drops up to 60 V. But such lamps are an order of magnitude more expensive than halogen and fluorescent models.
Smooth lamps. Photo:
Features of choosing mounting materials
- Lamps for spotlights should have a reflective layer at the bottom of the base. In the process of acquisition, you should check its availability.
- The power of the lamps should not exceed 40 watts. In the opposite case, the ceiling structure will heat up, which will lead to its damage or to fire.
- When choosing a cable, you should focus on the material from which the ceiling is made. Gypsum cardboard is resistant to fire, so you can dwell on a two -core or three -core wire.
- Plastic and MDF do not differ in this property. To work with these materials, RKGM wires are selected, which meet fire safety requirements. This is a copper non -combustible cable. It consists of two layers:
- the external is made of varnished fiberglass material;
- internal - from very durable silicon rubber. Such a wire is able to withstand temperature loads in the range from -60 ° C to +180 ° C. It is used for rooms with high humidity and sharp temperature changes, such as saunas and baths. Therefore, there is no doubt in the fire safety of this cable.
- As connecting elements, terminals are used, which can be purchased at a household store.
In the future, you need to check the connection twice during the year. There is a probability of excessive heating of the contact zone of wires and terminals. This situation can be avoided using copper lenses that have acquired a reputation as more durable and reliable fasteners. The connection area is isolated using a special tape or heat -shaped tube for this.

How to place spotlights on the ceiling
The installation will require the following materials:
- spotlights;
- food wire;
- switch;
- lamps;
- insulating tape;
- gilses or terminals that connect the wires.
The installation process consists of several stages, the first of which is planning. Before the installation starts, you need to decide on the placement of lamps on the surface of the ceiling. This requirement is especially relevant for multi -level structures.
All levels are distinguished as separate lighting contours. Lamps should be located from each other at a distance of 1 m, and from the wall - at 60 cm. They should be placed in such a way as not to affect the elements of the frame. Between the hole for point devices and the nearest frame part, you need to save the space of 30 mm. Otherwise, the structural profiles will prevent fixing of the lamps.
In the process of distribution, other lighting devices installed on the ceiling should be taken into account. As well as decorative elements. If you plan to use all devices at the same time, point lamps can be placed on the sides.

Starting spotlights
At the next stage, it is necessary to distribute the wires. There are two accommodation options:
- In accordance with the first, fixing is performed during the installation of the frame. In this case, when installing lamps, you just need to drill holes, get wired loops and connect the devices.
- If, when installing the structure, this procedure was lost, the cable is brought to the first hole, and the rest of the wires are threaded from one hole to another. At the same time, it is impossible to fix them on the elements of the frame. The wires will be located on the surface of the ceiling.
During the preliminary placement of the cable, it is laid along the installation route of spot devices. At each point, a bent loop of wires up to 15 cm in size is left. The mount to the frame is performed by means of plastic ties. In this case, fasteners do not need to be fixed very tightly, the wires should sag slightly. Since the cable has the ability to change its length with thermal exposure, this approach will prevent its damage. Then you can proceed to the skin of the ceiling structure.

The procedure for preparing holes
The distribution of lamps on the surface of the ceiling is completed after the construction of the structure. In addition to the distance separating devices from frame elements, you need to take into account the location of the joints between the ceiling details. If the place of placement of the lamp coincides with the seam, it is moved to the central part of the strip.
To drill holes, a crown is used to work with wood. With the help of this tool, recesses for outlet boxes are also prepared. The holes are absolutely even, which contributes to the high -quality installation of lighting devices in drywall.
When determining the diameter, you should focus on the lamps. The hole should be inferior to the size of the outer side of the devices by 3 mm and not exceed the parameters of the inside. In most cases, it is 60-75 mm.

How to connect spotlights
Next, you can proceed to the connection stage. For this, the following actions should be done:
- From the holes you need to remove the loops of the previously laid cable. In its absence, another approach is used. Two wires are laid from one hole to another. The work begins with the cable to which the power is connected. It should be remembered that before proceeding with the connection, it is necessary to de -energize the wire.
- The loops of the laid cable must be exposed, but before that they are cut in the bending area.
- To connect one lighting device, two wiring is required 10 cm long.
- The cable on each side is exposed by 15 mm. One end of short wiring is placed in the terminal, after which it is clamped, the other is twisted with a cable that provides power.
- During the connection, the marking on lighting elements should be taken into account: re corresponds to ground, n - zero, l - phase.
The method of fastening
On the sides of the spotlights for the ceilings are two brackets, through which the devices are mounted. These details should be bent in the upper direction to the stop and so put in the hole. It is important to pay attention to the wires, they should not fall under the hooks that press the lighting elements to the ceiling and firmly fix them there.
After connecting all the lamps to the camshaft and the switch, the main supply cable is connected. When using low -voltage LED devices, the wire is connected to a lowering power source. This is where the work is over.
How to install spotlights on a stretch ceiling
To work with the stretch structure, you will need a laying ring -shaped part. It can be purchased or made on your own. This element must correspond to the shape of the lamps. This must be taken into account when working with triangular or square devices. For the manufacture of a mortgage part, you need to prepare a dense material up to 6 mm thick, which is easy to process and does not properly delay. These requirements meet plastic.
Further installation work is carried out in the following sequence:
- Using a compass on the prepared material, you need to draw a ring. Its diameter by 2 mm should exceed the size of the lighting device. The distance between the external and internal radius is 25-30 mm.
- Next, using an electrician, according to drawn lines, the required part is cut.
- For fixing the embedded element, a P-shaped bracket is used. Its flexibility allows you to place the part at the same level with a ceiling film. This can be done even after installing the structure. First, the bracket is attached to the ring through screws.
- Then the whole structure with dowels is mounted in the ceiling. So all embedded elements are made and installed.
- Now, in order to perform the installation of lighting devices, you need to cut holes in the film. It is important not to damage the ceiling.
- Before proceeding to cut holes, you need to glue the limiter to the film, the presence of which will help maintain its integrity. For this purpose, you also need to prepare a ring. But this time, the thickness of which does not exceed 1 mm, and the width corresponds to 10 mm.
- This ring should not go beyond the external boundaries of the decorative lining of the lamp. It is fixed on a film using a superglue above the opening of the embedded element.
- After 2-3 minutes, when the adhesive is beginning to act, a fragment of the film is cut out with the help of a sharp knife.
- Then, wires are extracted from the resulting hole, and lighting devices are mounted according to the same principle that is used when working with a suspended ceiling.
- When arranging, spotlights on a stretch ceiling should be guided by similar rules.
Point lighting devices differ in small parameters and spend a small amount of electricity compared to other lamps. The installation process is quite simple. You can install these devices on your own on the suspension and stretch ceiling. Working with stretch structures has some features. On such ceilings in the installation sites, it is necessary to install special inserts from heat -resistant plastic.
Installation of spotlights: