The lighting device with exciting visual effects was invented and patented in England in the 60s of the last century. The original lava lamp is a transparent container containing a translucent paraffin floating in an oily fluid. This design is illuminated by an electric bulb - while the movement of bizarre forms of drops and figures occurs at which you can look endlessly.

The device of the lava lamp

The principle of action of the lava lamp consists in the interaction of non -mixed liquids of different densities when heated. If intense dye is added, then the visual effect is enhanced.


The lava lamp consists of the following parts:

  • incandescent lamps;
  • transparent glass flask;
  • filling the mixture for creating visual effects.

The incandescent lamp, located under a glass container, heats the liquid located in it and highlights drops that arbitrarily move and create a bizarre game of figures. With the lamp turned on, the temperature difference between the upper and lower part of the glass flask is several degrees, so that the wax or oil balls swim in the liquid. Rising, a viscous substance cools and gradually sinks closer to the bottom, where it heats up again - a kind of “lava” movement occurs. These lamps have been produced for many years, you can currently buy a lava lamp from various manufacturers. A wide range of such products is presented on sale in online stores. In modern industrial lava, lamps use special glass that replaces the temperature.

How to make a lava lamp with your own hands

Law lamps conquered the hearts of many people due to the harmonious combination of smooth contours of figures and the effect of smooth measured motion. Even many years after the invention, such a lamp fits organically into the interior of any room, while the principle of action has not changed.

In addition, a do -it -yourself lava lamp will be a great gift for people of any age. With its help, you can create an atmosphere in the room, which has relaxation. The contemplation of constantly changing forms inside the glass vessel soothes, helps to get together with thoughts, harmonizes the situation. It is not too difficult to make a lava lamp at home, most of the necessary materials are found in almost any house.

Lavage lamp with oil balls

For the manufacture of a lamp at home, we will need:

  • glass container of cylindrical or conical shape;
  • the base for the lamp is suitable for any material resistant to heating - metal, wood, as well as plastic or ceramics;
  • electric bulb 25 watts and a cartridge for it;
  • wire, fork, switch;
  • distilled water;
  • technical or medical alcohol;
  • metal spring;
  • a piece of rubber;
  • vegetable oil - the best castor (its density for a lava lamp is suitable);
  • dyes for oil and water. Water can be tinted with ink, and substances insoluble in water and alcohol are suitable as a dye for oil - for example, oil paint.


How to make a lava lamp yourself:

  1. First you need to prepare the base on which we will install a lava lamp. Its shape can be diverse - in the form of a cylinder, cone, cube, parallelepiped, etc. Such a design can be mounted from improvised materials - or use a stand of suitable shape and size. Perhaps a small ceramic pot is suitable as the base for the lamp.
  2. At the bottom of the stand in the side wall, drill a hole for wiring. Next, at the bottom of the stand, it is necessary to install the cartridge for the incandescent bulb and connect the wire stretched through the hole - with a circuit breaker and a plug mounted on it.
  3. It is necessary to check that when the light is turned on, the stand does not heat up excessively. If necessary, in the side walls of the base, make several technological holes for heat removal.
  4. Cut the ring from the rubber corresponding to the diameter of the upper part of the stand, and glue it - for reliable fixation of the lamp vessel and giving the design of greater stability.
  5. Next, set the glass container into the prepared stand and test the stability of the structure. On the bottom of the vessel, you can place a spring rolled into a ring for the effective distribution of heat.
  6. We proceed to the preparation of the lava mixture. Most of the tube vessel must be filled with distilled water and alcohol - the proportions of the composition are selected experimentally. The resulting liquid can, if desired, give any shade with an ink or other soluble dye. In a separate small container, paint the castor oil using a dye of a suitable color (bright saturated tones will look successfully).
  7. In a tinted alcohol solution, add prepared oil. It is necessary to ensure that it drops to the bottom of the vessel. If the oil pops up, to reduce the density of the liquid, you need to add a little more alcohol to the container. In this case, it is required that a slightly incomplete place remains in the glass vessel, since the lava liquid will expand when heated.
  8. The resulting mixture must be tested in action - turn on the light bulb and follow the process of warming it up. You can adjust the interaction of the lava mixture by pouring water or alcohol. Upon achieving the desired effect, it is necessary to close the vessel of the lamp with a lid (it can be fixed with glue).
  9. We fix the vessel stably on the stand. The miracle lamp lamp is ready!

Lavage lamp with paraffin

This method differs from the previous one in that molten paraffin balls moving in oil are used to create the effect of drops of lava. Under the influence of heating, paraffin will rise up - and, cooling, take various forms.


Rising to the top, it cools and gradually falls. Such a cyclic movement will be observed in the process of heating the bottom of the lamp vessel. After turning off the lamp, the paraffin cools down and drops to the bottom of the glass flask.

First you need to prepare the design of the lamp - install a transparent glass vessel on a stand with a built -in incandescent lamp 25 W (assembly is carried out according to the instructions above).


To compose a lava mixture, we need the following ingredients:

  • distilled water;
  • vegetable oil or glycerin;
  • paraffin;
  • bright colored beads or beads.

The sequence of preparation of the lava mixture:

  1. Fill a glass container by about 3/5 a mixture of cold water with glycerin (or vegetable oil). The resulting liquid can be tinted with a soluble dye.
  2. Add one teaspoon of salt and thoroughly mix everything until a homogeneous state. Additionally, you can pour a little bright shiny beads.
  3. After that, we melt in a water bath a liquid paraffin and add it to the tank of the lava lamp. Previously, paraffin can be tinted using a special or food coloring.
  4. The vessel is tightly covered with a lid and turned over to make sure that there is no leakage. After all the manipulations done, the “magic lamp” can be turned on.

Features of application

To launch the process of circulation of the lava mixture, you need some time necessary to warm up the lamps. It should be borne in mind that the working lamp heats up significantly, so it is desirable to place it in a place inaccessible to young children. It should be noted that it is not recommended to leave the lava lamp continuously turned on for more than 8 hours.


How to make a lava lamp - video

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