Of course, every owner of a summer cottage wants to make his territory more attractive and adapted to life. Often, it is not enough for this to equip the entire minimum of amenities - toilet, gazebo, table, etc. Most often, the owners of the plots go much further so that the territory becomes a place for a cozy vacation throughout the year. Practice shows that in order to create a cozy environment you do not need to resort to some incredible solutions. In most cases, it is enough to carefully analyze the situation and draw the appropriate conclusions.
After creating an attractive landscape of the territory, it is advisable to think about real amenities that allow a person to relax after a long work. First of all, we are talking about benches, which in a large summer cottage should have at least 3-4 pieces. Many people use a country area for relaxation. After difficult workdays, entire families come to the country and spend the weekend there.
Accordingly, it becomes clear that it will not work without benches in the summer cottage, even if the cottage is used exclusively for growing vegetables.
In the event that the cottage itself is a rather attractive object in which the owners invested a lot of effort and money, it makes sense to equip there really beautiful benches that will become convenient and attractive objects.
Well, at the end of the introduction, I would like to say that forged benches can be done with your own hands. It is they that will allow you to make areas both attractive, cozy, and comfortable for relaxation. In this material, we will consider the main issues related to the selection and creation of benches for a summer residence.
The main features of forged benches
To begin with, it is worth saying that recently forged benches have gained tremendous prevalence. This is that often this is not just an object that allows a person to sit and relax, but a decorative component of the territories. If the forged bench is made with taste, then it will really be the central composition, even if the rest of the site is no less attractive.
Now there are a huge number of manufacturers of forged products, and benches, of course, occupy a worthy place. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that every year the quality of such products only increases.
Often, the owners who already have a certain style of designing the territory choose the corresponding benches. Forged products are suitable for almost any territory, but the most important thing is convenience and correct location. It often happens that the bench looks simply surprising and attractive, but to sit on it for at least a few minutes is a test, and all this is because of the not-successful shape and location of metal elements. At the same time, there are many forged benches that do not look in the best way, but for relaxation it is ideal. Accordingly, it makes sense to analyze the products that will be purchased, and after that make a conscious choice.
Obviously, forged benches can be done with your own hands, especially if the experience of such work already exists. However, practice shows that for such events it is necessary to have a creative nature, because almost every forged bench looks like a painting canvas. At the same time, people who cannot boast of a sense of style can turn to a worldwide network. On the Internet there is a huge number of ready-made forged benches, on the basis of which it is quite possible to create something of your own. In this situation, it is necessary to know only the dimensions of the bench, as well as some specific issues. If everything is taken into account correctly, then no serious problems should be at all.
Again, if a person who decided to create a forged bench did not do anything like this earlier, there is a high probability of not the most positive result of painstaking work. Thus, it always makes sense to seek help from specialists who will quickly and qualitatively carry out the work of any complexity.
The uniqueness of each individual forged bench is exactly what attracts rich people. Therefore, often these products are made to order.
As for the process of creating a bench directly, in this case, the metal goes through several special treatments that increase the overall quality of the material and its durability. Already after forging, the bench is often covered with special compounds (maybe ordinary paint) that have anti -corrosion properties, therefore, the design itself should serve for many years and remain in an excellent state, even if the surrounding conditions are far from the most comfortable.
The main disadvantages of forged benches
Despite the fact that today forged benches are enormous in demand, they have quite offensive flaws. It is important to note the fact that before buying or manufacturing it is necessary to carefully analyze all the shortcomings so that they accidentally become a surprise.
- The price question. Even if the owners themselves decided to create a forged bench, you still have to spend a lot of money and effort to get a quality result. Such products are on sale in a huge assortment, but not everyone can afford it. Obvious is the fact that the buyer has a rather difficult choice: to purchase an expensive forged bench, or cheap wooden. In the second case, benches are also quite attractive, so it makes sense not to overpay money in order to get decent products. Of course, a forged bench can be more durable and attractive, but sometimes it does not make much sense.
- Low mobility. Often the owners make a choice in favor of wooden benches due to the fact that they can be easily moved around the site. In the case of a metal bench, this will not work. It is worth paying attention to the fact that forged benches themselves have many metal elements, and in general it is not recommended to move such a bench.
- Unique style. For most hosts, the uniqueness of the bench in the country is an important factor, but there are situations when the landscape completely changes on the site, and in such a situation, a forged bench can get out of the general style a little. It is possible that a simple wooden bench will become the best basis for the site without a specific style.
- The quality of the bench. It must be borne in mind that when creating a bench, various technologies are used to connect metal elements to each other. Thus, sometimes the quality of such measures can leave much to be desired. In this scenario, the bench will quickly become unusable, and it is unlikely that it will work to repair it with permits. A completely opposite situation with wooden benches, which can be repaired in the shortest possible time and without special difficulties.
Other shortcomings can also be noted. For example, many masters who are chasing the attractive appearance of the benches are completely forgetting about the convenience of the design. It is worth paying attention to the fact that convenience is an extremely important factor, since the country is most important in rest. In addition, you should not bypass the issue related to the overall presentability of the bench. Often, masters, who are particularly creative, create an outwardly too bold product that does not like everyone.
Almost all disadvantages are subjective, and they are not so common. Therefore, it always makes sense to analyze each individual product version.
Forged benches
Many owners believe that if the bench is metal, and it is in open space, she needs regular care. The situation is in such a way that caring for forged benches is often minimal.
First of all, experts advise cleaning the bench from pollution, since if the situation is too neglected, it will look quite repulsive. Cleaning applies to all benches, so there is nothing surprising in this.
It is important to note the need for anti -corrosion processing of the bench. Numerous metal parts can extremely negatively affect the general condition of the bench, even if there were no prerequisites for this process.
Experienced owners of the plots note that in order to maintain a bench in proper condition, it is only necessary to apply wax to metal elements once a year. The situation is in such a way that in some situations, the metal elements of the bench are amenable to mechanical damage, and in this situation, dirt is clogged into the chips that can make the corrosion process more active. Wax will not allow dirt to accumulate in damaged places, and the whole bench will be as beautiful as on the first day after the purchase.
Obviously, it is advisable to tint the wooden elements of the benches or varnish. If all these measures are carried out at the same time, then the bench for many years remains in an excellent state.
Specialists who are creating forged benches note that the hosts often use abrasive tools for cleaning. In their opinion, with such hard processing, metal elements of the bench will gain the initial shine. However, the situation is somewhat different, since such processing can only worsen the situation. For the simplest cleaning, you can use napkins designed specifically for metal.
Creating a forged bench
- First of all, we will need expenditure resources, on the basis of which the bench elements will be created. In this case, various metal profiles are needed: a square 10x10 mm, a pipe 20x20x1.5 mm, a pipe 20x40x1.5 mm. As for the volumes of the necessary materials, it all depends directly on the dimensions of the future bench, as well as on the human experience (if it does not work out the first time to create one or another element, you will need to buy a new profile). Other profiles may be required - it all depends on the initial idea.
- Further, you will need to create a framework for a future bench. This will already require welding to which the profiles are connected. Using a grinder for cutting metal, it will be necessary to divide the long profiles (if necessary) into the right number of parts. The frame should consist of two long horizontal elements, and four short transverse ones.
- Immediately after this, it is necessary to create the first forged elements of the bench. To begin with, you should create the simplest metal parts of the future bench that receive minimal bends (this can be a railing of a bench or legs). It should be borne in mind that in this situation it is necessary to heat the metal and use the hammer to get the necessary result. The most important thing in this case is not to create outwardly unique elements, but to make sure that each unit of the same unit is identical to the rest of the elements. Accordingly, to create the legs, you need to forge several of the same type of metal fragments, and then use several elements located at different corners for each leg. For example, if 3 elements are used under each leg, then in total it will be necessary to forge 12 metal fragments. The most important thing is that in the end they have about the same height, so that the bench is stable. Again, you can’t do without welding.
- After that, it is advisable to create the back of the bench. To do this, you can use the same profiles as when creating a frame, or others can.
- It is important to keep in mind that metal decorative elements can be created in a cold way. It should be understood that not everyone has the opportunity to carry out forging. Thus, it makes sense to use a special installation. A bar is clamped in it, a turn is performed with a lever. Accordingly, if you attach a certain force, then the bar will bend. In this way, you can create many identical elements at once, and the result will be better than using classic forging. It is important to note that today there are many other mechanisms, but they are all about one principle of action. People who are creating forged elements, there are many similar devices, and they allow you to deform elements of various sizes and other parameters.
- Directly under the bench frame, several decorative elements can be placed at once. By welding, you can get additional hardening of the bench. This is especially true if the bench is large enough in size, and additional strength will not be superfluous. Of course, using too many decorative elements is not always the right solution, as it may look tasteless, and in general it is in negative way to influence practicality.
- After forging and welding, you need to cover the metal part of the bench with paint. Sometimes it is advisable to use special coatings that will make the metal even more attractive outwardly.
Ultimately, it is necessary to fix the wooden elements of the bench (if available), as well as other parts. At the same stage, it should be traced whether the bench has some flaws, since instability, or appearing deformations, may appear after welding. All these negative points should be settled even before operation, otherwise the problems may later be even more serious.
It is also important to pay attention to the fact that the forged bench is often installed on a stable surface, and in general it is advisable to place this object on tiles or asphalt. If the bench is under some kind of inclination, it is possible that after some time its condition will deteriorate sharply. Regular care for the bench is also seriously reflected in the general state of this object.