Among modern roofing materials, the bitumen flexible tile occupies a special place. With the optimal combination of technological characteristics that flexible tiles have, the price corresponds to the quality. Its flexibility and plasticity allows you to implement the most daring architectural ideas.


The most unusual forms and configurations of the roof frame are made by masters of soft roof, as it is also called gon or shinglas. Cupol or onion configurations of the roof, do not constitute a problem for soft tiles. In standard parameters 100x33 cm, usually three or four links of a flexible bitumen tile with a curly profile along the edge are used. In shape, such a tile is very diverse, it happens in the form of hexagonal hundred, oval, triangle, fish scales, etc.


Economic benefit of flexible tiles


The roof, for the arrangement of which a flexible tile was used, the reviews in most cases have positive ones. It is convenient to mount it, it is easy to cut and it has a minimum of waste.



  1. Due to its flexibility and plasticity, flexible tiles when laying have very little waste, usually not more than 10%. Among the various roofing materials, the price is one of the lowest for flexible tiles. In complex architectural constructions, it is often necessary to make a continuous nipple plane from the OSB of the plates.
  2. The foundation, walls and a rafter frame are designed taking into account the weight of the roofing material. Given that 1 m2 weighs up to 8 kg, building materials are significantly saved when erecting a box of the house. Loading and transportation and transportation and transportation are reduced to small volume and weight.
  3. The warranty service life of a flexible tile is from 10 to 50 years, in addition, during operation, it does not need additional painting, not subject to growths of fungus, moss and mold. To replace the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, it is enough to replace several separate tiles, without dismantling the entire roof.


The advantages of the roof from flexible tiles


The external aesthetic type of soft roof, its plastic capabilities and technological use in the construction of multi -level complex roofs, you can look at the photo on the Internet.



  1. Due to the optimal combination of the technological qualities and properties of the components of bitumen tiles, the roof has high strength, reliable waterproofing and resistance to mechanical damage. Given the advantages and economic benefits, to buy flexible tiles for the roof will be the right decision.
  2. The main function of the roof is the waterproofing of housing. It does not rust and is not subject to decay or corrosion. During rain or other precipitation, flexible tiles successfully extinguish the sound. Under the influence of solar heat, the bitumen tile is melted into a homogeneous waterproof mass and due to this does not pass and does not absorb moisture.
  3. In its characteristics and in practice, flexible tiles withstands sharp temperature changes. The range of its application from the polar regions to the tropics. It does not crack in the cold, does not deform and does not warm up in the sun.


The structure and technological properties of bitumen tiles


The main component of flexible tiles is fiberglass or cellulose tissue impregnated with oxidized bitumen.



  1. The impregnation of the main binding layer includes polymer additives and SBS modifiers. Natural or artificial bitumen used to produce flexible tiles for roofs are considered environmentally friendly materials. Natural bitumen include asphalt, Malta and kerites mined in quarries. Artificial is made from waste processing waste, coal or shales. The technological properties of natural and artificial bitumen are almost equivalent.
  2. The front side of the flexible tile has a coating of colored mineral crumbs. Such a coating protects the roof from atmospheric exposure, increases the strength of flexible tiles and does not change color under the influence of sunlight. For convenience in work, a layer of bituminous glue can be applied along the edge of the roofing soft tile.
  3. The inner surface of the bitumen tile is covered with a thin layer of quartz sand. Such a layer prevents the gluing of sheets during storage, transportation and installation of the roof. To create a monolithic waterproof layer of the roof, a bitumen glue layer protected by a film is applied along the edge of the tile sheet. Before installing flexible tiles, the film must be removed.
  4. Some manufacturers use copper tin as a facial coating. This technology of flexible tiles significantly affects its cost and has a different structure. The roof of such a tile, although more expensive, opens up great opportunities for design. On the cut, you can see the structure of such a tile: a layer of transparent glue, a copper sheet, two layers of universal bitumen that saturated two layers of glass chick and a lightweight coating with a protective film. Flexible tiles with copper coating are available in the form of scaly cells, in the form of hexagonal hundred, ovals, rectangles, etc.


Roof operation of flexible tiles


The warranty period of flexible bitumen tiles, manufacturers declare from 10 to 50 years. The real life of the roof of bitumen tiles is much greater.



  1. With prolonged operation of the building, sometimes it is shrinkable or due to the shrinkage of wooden rafter structures, the deformation of the roof. Due to its plasticity, bitumen tiles tolerates such deformations absolutely painlessly and provides the necessary waterproofing.
  2. Thanks to the use of natural crumbs to cover the front plane, the soft tile does not burn out in the sun. Bioagents present in its structure impede the growth of mosses and lichens. In case of mechanical damage, there is no need to dismantle the entire roof. It is enough to replace a small affected area.


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