One of the striking examples of rational use of space in the apartment is the arrangement of the territory under the stairs. The location in such a place of the pantry or cabinet is especially relevant for rooms with a limited area.
Options for arranging space under the stairs
- Equipment of pantries.
- Creating a "wine cellar."
- The arrangement of the cabinet.
Actually, there are much more possible options, it all depends on your needs, capabilities, preferences and fantasies. But today we will dwell on the construction under the stairs of the cabinet.
Types of cabinets under the stairs
- Built -in wardrobe under the stairs. The simplest construction with a rigid base collected inside an existing niche. There are several types of built -in cabinets under the stairs, which differ mainly by the type of door structure, which are presented in the photo.
- a cabinet with swing doors. The design, as a rule, is equipped with hinged swing doors, which are easy to mount and comfortably use. Such a closet under the stairs, as shown in the photo, is the most common, in view of the simplicity of execution;
- a wardrobe under the stairs. This design is characterized by the presence of sliding doors. For their installation, and most importantly, for production, you should attract professionals in order to avoid unpleasant surprises;
- open rack. On it you can arrange figurines, vases, keyboards, various little things, dear to the heart. Bibliophiles can arrange a bookcase here;
- a cabinet with swing doors. The design, as a rule, is equipped with hinged swing doors, which are easy to mount and comfortably use. Such a closet under the stairs, as shown in the photo, is the most common, in view of the simplicity of execution;
- A sliding cabinet under the stairs. The most practical option for arranging space under the stairs with a deep niche.
- Combined cabinet. Combines several previously described designs. The most practical option.
Which design to choose for the design of cabinets under the stairs often depends on the size of the niche itself. In the presence of a narrow staircase, you can put a rack under it, constructing for it the basis of wood or metal profiles. In a niche with a depth of less than 50 cm, you can make a cabinet with hinged doors and many compartments. In wider recesses, it is advisable to equip a cabinet with drawers, because It will be inconvenient to get things out of such a large shelf.
It is impossible to take into account all the nuances in one review, so we will introduce you a generalized algorithm for creating the simplest cabinet under the stairs.
Tools and materials necessary for creating a cabinet under the stairs with your own hands
- Roulette.
- Screwdrivers and screws (or just a cross -shaped screwdriver).
- Scabbard or Bulgarian.
- Wooden bars.
- Material for shelves and partitions (for example, drywall), as well as for decoration, if such a stage is provided for by the project.
- Material for the decoration of the facade.
- Furniture (awnings, loops, handles, etc.).
Preparation for creating a closet under the stairs
- Free the space under the stairs from extraneous objects, dismantle the partition, if any.
- Create a drawing of the future cabinet. In this case, a schematic plan for the location of future boxes and departments with aged proportions of their size relative to the size of the existing niche is implied. All possible sizes should be indicated in the drawing. Immediately, you can draw separate details of the cabinet indicating the size, as well as make notes describing the features of their creation.
- Lay on the floor some kind of protective coating (polyethylene film or fabric) to protect the surface from damage during the creation of the structure.
How to make a closet under the stairs
- Harvest all the necessary details of the cabinet, cutting them out in previously the size indicated in the drawing. For this operation, you will need a hacksaw or a grinder.
- Fold the wall by attaching decorative panels selected in advance. By the way, if your cabinet has opaque doors, then this stage can be omitted altogether or reduce to the simplest option (painting or pasting with wallpaper).
- Fasten wooden bars with a section of 50x50 mm in places where vertical partitions are planned using a screwdriver and screws.
- Attach the drywall sheets to the bars on both sides, thus constructing a partition.
- Mark the position of the shelves, given that one shelf should support two bars, a length equal to the depth of the niche.
- Scroll the bars in places of markings using self -tapping screws and screwdrivers.
- Set the shelves on the bars. For reliability, you can also connect them with self -tapping screws. Shelves can be cut from wooden boards or other material, or you can buy ready -made in construction stores.
- Fasten the door box, wielding a screwdriver and self -tapping screws. It is better to make the box itself first to order, without stinting on the call of the master, because For the independent manufacture of this product, certain skills, experience and scurpling are necessary. Ideal corners and correct joints are difficult to achieve, so the result of independent works may disappoint you.
- Scrint to the door box of the loop.
- Burn the door facades prepared in advance.
Hinged swing doors is the easiest option for a cabinet under the stairs. True, even easier, do not make doors at all, if, for example, you plan to place a bookcase or rack for wine bottles in this space. The installation of sliding doors for such cabinets will be quite problematic, because The upper plane of the cabinet is located under the slope, and the guide for the door of the wardrobe should be located horizontally. Here, of course, it is better to consult with the master. He will tell you how to make sliding doors with a beveled top and how to correctly fix the guides. In any case, there should be several doors in such a closet under the stairs (preferably as many sections separated by partitions).
The design of the cabinet facade under the stairs should be in harmony with the rest of the furniture and other elements of the interior decoration present in this room. Mirror doors fit perfectly into any interior. Matte glass is the often used material when arranging high-tech rooms. In suburban houses, classic wood will give a feeling of warmth and comfort. In general, the design of the facade part of such a cabinet is limited only to the flight limits of your imagination. Drink, and, besides rationally used space, you can get an additional decoration of the room.