Often, the area of \u200b\u200brooms diverted for children for two children is not particularly spacious, thereby causing certain difficulties in arranging them even at the planning stage. However, a wide variety of sliding, built -in and other furniture structures greatly simplifies the solution to the problems that arise with the arrangement of the children's all necessary interior items.


The significance of personal space in children's life

In most cases, parents give the children a room to:

  • the toys were lying not throughout the apartment, but in one place;

Toys are lying everywhere_500x450

  • in the case of the arrival of guests, they did not interfere under their feet, but went about their business in another room, etc.

Children do not interfere with guests_500x450

However, in the life of every child, a children's room is a personal space that protects it from the invasion of undesirable people and makes it possible to be alone with their thoughts. In addition, well -designed children's contributes to the harmonious development and formation of the personality of the child, the manifestation of independence, responsibility for the order in personal things, toys, books. If the room is divided between two children, then the skill of communication, finding a compromise on some controversial issues is additionally instilled.

Children's - personal space_500x450

Thus, its own room in the life of children plays a rather important role, so it is worth approaching its arrangement slowly, calculating everything to the smallest details.

Choosing a room for children's

Regardless of age and gender, a children's room for two children should meet the following criteria:

  • good natural light;

Good lighting_500x450

  • lack of access to the balcony;

Without exit to the balcony_500x450

  • the isolation of the room, ensuring the complete concentration of children's attention in games, performing homework and other classes.

Isolated room_500x450

In addition, the optimal area of \u200b\u200bthe children's room, designed for two children, is about 20 m². However, in the absence of such an opportunity, under the nursery it is worth choosing the largest and brighter room.

Big children_500x450

The zoning of the room

Based on the fact that the nursery is not for one child, the room must be divided into the following zones:

  • personal for each child, including sleeping areas, study, storage of personal belongings;

Sleep zone, as well as storage of things_500x450

  • a common area intended for joint games and relaxation.

General game zone_500x450

In this case, the functional zones can be designated with the help of:

  • pasting the walls of the room with wallpaper, which differ in texture and color scheme;

Combining wallpaper_500x450

  • decorative screen or partitions;

For small_500x450

  • rack for toys or other little things;

Shelving in children's_500x450

  • curtains fixed on the ceiling cornice.

Curtain - division into functional zones_500x450

Despite the desire of children for a bright color palette, the general background of the walls is still better to choose neutral shades, such as beige, turquoise, sky blue, pale orange. At the same time, you can give the interior additional attractiveness through colorful bedding, a blanket on the bed, curtains with the image of your favorite heroes or idols.

Neutral shade of the general background and a sharp contrast of textiles and furniture_500x450

In addition, in shopping centers, children's furniture for two children is presented in a huge assortment and a wide color palette, allowing you to harmoniously enter any interior item even into a small room with the most original style solution.

The arrangement of the sleeping area

To arrange a berth in the nursery, either separate beds or two -story beds are used. At the same time, stopping on a particular option should be taken into account:

  • opinions of children;
  • gender;
  • the age difference between children.

Perpendicular installation of beds_500x450

In addition, each type of bed has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The obvious advantages of a bunk bed include:

Two -story bed with a cabinet_500x450

  • significant savings in free space;
  • equipping individual models by boxes, small cabinets for storing things.

Among the shortcomings:

Double -tier bed complete with cabinets and boxes_500x450

  • the height of the ceilings should exceed 2.5 m, otherwise it will be too stuffy to sleep on the top floor;
  • the possibility of quarrels if both children have a desire to sleep upstairs;
  • the upper tier is intended for children over 6-7 years old, since the slightest negligence of lifting/descent up the stairs will lead to an injury;
  • more suitable for children of the same age.

At the same time, the advantages of individual beds are more obvious:

Accommodation in the center of the nursery_500x450

  • mobility;
  • a lot of beds of beds;
  • a small height that prevents injuries during an accidental fall;
  • the age of the child does not matter.

However, on the savings of the area when equipping the room with separate beds, you should not count.

At the opposite wall_500x450

In addition to these options, folding and rolling structures of beds are quite widespread, freeing additional space in the daytime. However, the mechanisms that allow you to clean and lay out beds, as a rule, quickly become unusable, since children like to play with such things, repeating similar manipulations several times a day, until parents see.

Ricked model_500x450

Despite the variety of various types of beds, many of them are sold without cabinets necessary for storing clothes. In this situation, you need to purchase at least one cabinet for two, but the regiments are subject to mandatory distinction between children. In addition, it is not necessary to choose a cabinet for half -study, otherwise it will be clogged not only with necessary, but also completely superfluous things.

Separate cabinet_500x450

Thus, no matter how attractive the option of acquiring a bunk bed was not, but wearing all the shortcomings of a one or another bed model is in advance, although the small nursery for two children sometimes leaves no options, except for installing a two -story structure.

Layout of the working area

It is necessary to allocate a working area in the room for both schoolchildren and preschool children, because in kindergarten they also sometimes give small tasks, and many children love to draw. However, the table and chair must correspond to the age of the child, so as not to earn curvature of the spine ahead of time.

Furniture for small_500x450

Since it is better to place the training area near the window, the choice of furniture depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe well -lit section of the room. Based on this, you can purchase 2 tables or one, but so that both children could calmly accommodate.

Two places one table_500x450

In addition, posting desktops are necessary taking into account the following features:

  • children should even see the entrance to the room out of the corner of the eye, otherwise unconscious anxiety that they will be caught at the wrong moment can develop into a nervous state;
  • children sitting face to each other will constantly be distracted from the completion of tasks;
  • above each workplace, the presence of free space is desirable to accommodate compact shelves for textbooks and notebooks so that as the task is completed, the children do not run behind the new textbook to the other end of the room;
  • the presence of a workplace of sockets for connecting a computer and table lamps.

Tumbers_500x450 tables

Of course, a good option is the purchase of tables with bedside tables for storing most of the training supplies.

Organization of game or recreation area

The arrangement of this zone largely depends on the nature, age and hobbies of children. However, even with the coincidence of interests, each child has its own toys, books, discs and other things, therefore, it is advisable to purchase a rack or a closet for their storage and determine their shelves for each of the children, attaching stickers with the names of children to them.


Some part of things can be stored in plastic containers, caskets, which occupy much less space on racks than small objects arranged as they hit.

Toy storage containers_500x450

In the gaming zone, a warm carpet is simply necessary, because children love to play more on the floor, and during the period of active games, the floor covering plays the role of a certain sound insulation for neighbors.

Without carpet in the nursery nothing_500x450

For adolescents in the recreation area, it is better to place compact chairs and fixed on a wall bracket or a TV installed in the wall.

Large room - more spaciousness_500x450

Thus, in the arrangement of the game zone, the advice of children will help, and adults are given the role of a corrector, since children are not able to correctly place all the things they need.

Options for arranging a nursery

Currently, the choice of children's furniture is very diverse, so making the interior of the nursery for two children comfortable and original will not be problems.

Fairytale children's_500x450

Even for a small nursery, you can find a solution in the form of a compact design of a bunk bed, equipped on the sides of tables and boxes.

Compact corner_500x450

In a spacious room, the bed can be installed in the center, delimiting the space into separate zones.

Bed in the middle_500x450

But in a rectangular room, individual beds can only be installed along the wall, otherwise the closet, the table will simply have nowhere to put.

Elocated room_500x450

Of course, in a large children's room you can organize a sports corner or put 2 cabinets, instead of one.

For different ages_500x450

At the same time, many children feel quite comfortable in a room, devoid of special frills, although the space allows you to use more luxurious and interesting furniture.

Decent area and maximum simplicity_500x450

However, the originality of the design is characteristic not only for spacious, but also for small children's rooms, because you can use huts, freeing the area for installing cabinets, racks or to arrange a gaming zone.

Faces on the 2nd floor_500x450

In addition, a small room of true treasure hunters will decorate furniture in the entire wall with rolling models of beds located under it, and the interior hanging on the wall of treasures hanging on the wall will be complemented.

For real little sailors_500x450

Thus, an incredible amount of design options for the children's room. However, when arranging, it is worth listening to the opinion of both children about which room and in what style they want to see, and in case of a controversial situation, simply find a compromise solution. Only in this case, the children will be satisfied with their new room.

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