Если вы проводите много времени с детьми на даче, следует позаботиться о создании для них полноценных условий для игр. Наличие площадки с различными игровыми атрибутами сделает отдых на природе не только полезным, но и радостным. It is certainly necessary to attract the children themselves to this process. Firstly, this will bring a lot of positive emotions for them. Дети получат возможность воплотить свои творческие идеи, что будет способствовать их развитию. Another positive moment of involving children in the process of creating and designing the site is the rallying of the family. After all, the joint implementation of any work contributes to unification. We will tell you about how to arrange such a corner on the site in this article.
Choosing and preparing a place
The design of the playground involves three stages:
- The first provides for the selection of a suitable place and the implementation of certain actions aimed at creating safe conditions.
- At the second stage, all game elements are placed on the site.
- The final stage is the most pleasant and creative - this is design.
It is advisable to provide for the placement of the playground at the stage of designing a summer residence. But if in the process of creating the project this stage was missed, the following points should be taken into account for the correct choice of place:
- площадка должна находиться в поле зрения с любой точки участка, так как за маленькими детьми необходим постоянный присмотр;
- there should not be water bodies and places where the child can be injured;
- при возможности площадку можно разместить возле больших деревьев так, чтобы тень от листвы защищала игровое пространство от солнечных лучей. Если подходящих деревьев на участке нет, тогда создать тень над площадкой можно при помощи навеса или натяжного тента;
- не стоит выбирать для обустройства площадки низинное место или участок на возвышении. In the first case, dampness will create a danger to the health of children, and in the second - a strong wind will be an obstacle;
- the selected area must be made as safe as possible for the stay of children on it. It is necessary to outline the places where the slides, swings and other elements will be located and cover the surface with sand and turf there. If there are potholes at this place and the pits must first get rid of them. Problem areas should be filled up and tamped. Next, you need to wait until the soil shrinkage occurs, and lay the layer of turf.
It is also worth considering that for paths it is recommended to use sidewalk paving stones. This is a fairly strong and nonsense material, which is very important for playgrounds. If desired, water communications and electricity can be laid on the game territory. Of course, they must be hidden and inaccessible to children. For example, it is possible to lay communications on the tree trunk at a fairly safe distance.
Playgrounds photo:
Basic elements of the playground
One of the most popular elements in the design of the playground are slides. They are divided into two groups:
- The first group includes structures intended for children under three years old. They are small designs of small sizes, which are quite easy to transport. Such slides can be carried in the car. Similar slides for children consist of the following elements:
- they have a gentle descent with a smooth lower part. This provides the child with safe use of a hill and helps to avoid injuries;
- the design is also equipped with a wide staircase having an anti -slip coating;
- в верхней части горки находятся поручни, которые обеспечивают ребенку, пребывающему на высоте, возможность держаться.
- Горки для детей старше трех лет имеют высоту 1,5м — 2,5 м. Верхняя площадка в обязательном порядке оснащена перилами, которые создают ограждение и препятствуют падению ребенка. The descent can have different shape. It can be straight or screw. If desired, with the help of such a design in the summer, you can make a kind of attraction by directing the edge of the structure to the pool.
- Another element, without which it is impossible to imagine the project of the playground are swings that can be selected in such variations:
- the most common option is suspended models. Such swings can be used even in the house. They consist of a seat in the form of a chair and fasteners;
- there are models that are equipped with an ordinary crossbar instead of a chalk, they are called “Tarzanka”;
- there is also such a variant of swings as rocking boobs. Due to the presence of the spring, you can swing on them in any direction.
Today the market offers a large selection of swings, but they can be done independently. This will require strong ropes that need to be tied to a strong horizontal part. You can also make metal products. All parts must be combined with welding, then the structure is fucked and covered with paint.
- The presence of such an element of a playground as a playing house will allow the child to create his own recreation area. The houses are made of a metal frame or wood. On the site you can place one house, or you can create an entire architectural composition of several elements. An alternative to such a construction can be a canopy. In these designs, lighting can be carried out.
- One of the easiest in the execution of the elements of the site is the sandbox. It is not difficult to build it:
- first of all, it is necessary to remove the layer of the earth with a thickness of approximately 20-25 cm;
- далее в образовавшееся углубление насыпают щебень, который затем утрамбовывают;
- after that, this section should be protected by sides that can be made from ordinary whole logs;
- now you can fall asleep sand and the sandbox is ready.
The traditional version of the sandbox is a square tin fence. Но детская площадка является тем местом, где можно воплощать все нестандартные идеи. From this stereotype you can move and make a sandbox of any other form. Чем больше оригинальных идей в оформлении, тем больше интереса участок для игр вызовет у ребенка. Песочницу внутри можно поделить на несколько зон при помощи камней и каждую отдельную часть заполнить песком разных цветов.
Design of the playground
There is no single rule to arrange any type of playground. Here you can fully embody all creative plans:
- You can make figures of birds and animals from plastic bottles and arrange them through the territory. Thus, you get mini-fasteners where you can put figures of pirates and palm trees.
- Wooden floors and old tires are used to create cars, which are then placed on the game area. This design option will create a corner of a real racer. Among other attributes, you can place road cones, flags and a canopy for a pit stop.
- The fabulous atmosphere will be created by trees decorated with applications. Children will certainly like huts and bright hammocks.
- You can also put a decorative well with a crane and wooden tables on the site.
- The originality of the design of the playground will give green plantations in the form of a maze. Children will receive no less joyful emotions from the pool, fountain and children's soul. And with the help of ordinary paint, you can turn stumps into men and settle them on the site. But first, you need to remove unnecessary branches from stumps and adjust the sharp edges.
- In addition to men, on the game site, you can also settle funny piglets, which are made from old eggplants and plastic bottles. The bottles are attached to the eggplant as "legs". After that, the future piglet needs to be painted with pink paint, draw eyes and mouth, and make ears out of paper.
- The design of the site can be supplemented with figures from car tires. For example, when fastening tires on a metal frame, a dinosaur is obtained.

Safety rules
To create the most safe conditions for the stay of children on the site, the following rules should be followed:
- On the front and back of the swing should be at least 2 m of free space.
- All wooden elements must be polished and covered with varnish or paint.
- Территория площадки должна иметь мягкое покрытие, например травяной газон или материал на синтетической основе. This will protect children from injuries in the event of a fall.
- The sizes of gaming structures must correspond to the age of the child. Параметры качелей и горок для детей возрастом до пяти лет должны иметь высоту до 1,5 м, песочницы – 1,7 м х 1,7 м. Для младших школьников размеры горки составляют 2,5 м — 3,5 м, а качелей – свыше 2,5 м. Опорные элементы игровых сооружений необходимо заглублять в грунт не менее чем на 0,5 м.
The presence of its own playground in the summer cottage will undoubtedly bring the child a lot of joyful impressions. There are many options for how to arrange a playground. It will be very useful to use the child in this process, so he will get the opportunity to realize his creative ideas and create a platform of his dreams. It is important to remember the safety rules and ensure the appropriate conditions for the child’s stay on the site.
The ideas of the design of the playground are presented in the video: