Aeration involves the process of filling at atmospheric air of various environments. During the aeration of the lawns, the flow of air, fertilizers and moisture in the soil structure is ensured. This procedure is especially relevant for clay, heavy and poorly passing soils.

Features of the process

The aeration method allows you to get an attractive and healthy plant coating of the lawn. Since watering is significantly more effective in this process, the amount of dry stems is reduced, the lawn is less than the moss. As a result of this procedure, the plants will be provided with moisture even during the drought. And in the case of excessive moisture, the water will not stagnate, which will prevent rotting of the vegetable cover.

Aeration is necessary if the soil layer was cream, as a result of which the root system does not receive the necessary moisture, oxygen and nutrients. A difficult process of gas exchange is the cause of stagnation of water on the surface. In the humus, carbon dioxide accumulation occurs, which leads to an oxygen deficiency, which in turn ensures the decomposition of organic elements and oxidation of minerals. The consequence of this process is disease of plant crops.

Aeration is performed by two methods:

  1. The first involves piercing the soil using metal teeth, as a result of which the necessary holes are created.
  2. According to the second method, aeration is carried out using hollow pins, through which fragments with a diameter of 1cm - 2cm are extracted from the soil. The second method is considered to be more effective, since such aerator nozzles allow you to remove a layer of dry grass from the soil. The frequency of aeration is at least 2 times a year. But the procedure can be carried out more often if it requires the condition of the soil.

Previously, aeration was carried out with the help of a rake and forks, but today the technical development of agrarian tools has stepped far ahead. Today, industry offers special devices for this purpose - aerators. These devices are divided into varieties according to several criteria.

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Equipment for aeration

Experts distinguish mechanical aerators and devices with a motor. Mechanical devices, in turn, are divided into:

  • rake aerators;
  • roller units;
  • aerators-sandals.

Robble devices are made on the basis of thin plates. In the process, they process the soil, while maintaining the integrity of the lawn. Roller apparatuses are made in the form of a rake, but at the same time equipped with rollers, which provides additional convenience in work.

Sandal aerators have the shape of soles, which is attached to the leg by means of straps. The lower part of the sole is equipped with spikes. It is necessary to work with such devices as follows: sandals must be attached to the leg and walk on the lawn. These aerators for the lawn are designed for small areas, since it is quite difficult to process large areas in this way.

The turning aerators equipped with a motor are multifunctionality. In addition to piercing the soil and saturation of it with oxygen, these devices remove various garbage and dead grass.


Arators are also distinguished by type of engine. According to this criterion, they distinguish:

  • electric;
  • gasoline devices.

Each of these species has its own advantages and disadvantages. The device with an electric engine is silent during operation and insignificant weight. It is quite convenient to work with such an aerator. But only small areas can be processed with its help, since the device receives power from the mains and its movement is limited by the cord.

The device equipped with a gasoline engine is more convenient for processing large territories. But it also has a lack - it is necessary to refuel the device only with high -quality fuel. Otherwise, the engine can be spoiled.


How to make a lawn aerator with your own hands

The purchase of aerators in the store is relevant for owners of large areas. Owners of small and medium -sized sites may well use devices manufactured independently. First, consider the easiest way to make. This device will have the shape of the sole with spikes.

For work, you need to prepare:

  • wooden or metal plates with a width of 5 cm, the length should correspond to the size of the foot;
  • screwdriver;
  • self -tapping screws.

The manufacturing process will occur in the following sequence:

  1. In the plates, holes should be drilled. Their location must comply with the chess order.
  2. Next, using a screwdriver, you need to screw the screws. Such aerators are attached to shoes using a sore.
  3. To perform aeration on the lawn using such devices, you just need to attach them to shoes and take a walk around the site. This method is more suitable for small territories.

Two Lawn Sandals

For sections of average parameters, the following device will be a more convenient solution. It will be required to make it:

  • pipe fragment;
  • nails;
  • bearings;
  • bracket;
  • wooden pen;
  • welding machine.

The technique of the structure is as follows:

  1. The pipe must be filled with weighting material.
  2. Further, using the welding machine, nails are welded to the outside with the chess frequency.
  3. The pipe is attached to the shaft with bearings.
  4. Then a bracket is placed on the shaft, to which the pen is attached. Using such a pen, the device is controlled.


Water aerators

Recently, the tendency to decorate the plots with natural or artificial reservoirs is gaining more and more popularity. But the content of the reservoir provides for certain requirements. In case of improper care in the water, bottom deposits, algae are formed, as well as decay processes. Such unpleasant moments can be prevented by saturation of water with oxygen. This procedure is performed by means of water aerators.

Particular relevance to use these devices appears in the winter when the pond is covered with a layer of ice and the penetration of air becomes impossible. In the summer, using aerator, it is possible to prevent rotting of the reservoir, removing from it the products of the life of plants and microorganisms. These devices for reservoirs are divided into several types.


Varieties of aerators for water

  1. Superficial models are one of the most popular and effective aerators. In the process of their work, these devices spray water over the reservoir. When the fluid drops down, it is saturated with oxygen. Among the advantages of such devices, efficiency and efficiency can be distinguished. The disadvantage is an increased noise level.
  2. Injector devices. Oxygen saturation is carried out when air is absorbed. Mixing with liquid, air dissolves in the environment. Injector devices are not in the absence of noise during operation. But they have low productivity and consume a significant amount of electricity.
  3. The bottom aerators are installed at the bottom of the reservoir, where the medium is supplied with oxygen, mix the layers and level the temperature indicators in the entire reservoir. Thus, you can prevent the formation of an ice layer. The disadvantage of these devices is the high cost.


The construction of a homemade aerator

Do -it -yourself aerator can be built with your own hands from a pump or hydraulic pump. This will require:

  • metal tube;
  • proper pump or hydraulic pump;
  • hammer;
  • water hoses;
  • stones;
  • knife;
  • divorce key;
  • screwdriver.

The main features of the construction of the aerator:

  1. Regardless of what will be used - the pump or pump, the material should be equipped with a powerful mechanism. This is required to ensure strong pressure, which is a prerequisite for high -quality aeration. It will not be difficult to purchase a pump, today there are a large number of specialized stores.
  2. You need to install it below the level of the reservoir under the source that can be created from any improvised materials. It can be stones folded in the form of a slide, a vase with a hole made in the bottom or an old figurine. Leaving the fountain, the water is saturated with oxygen, after which it enters the reservoir. Thus, the pond is saturated.
  3. When using the pump, special attention should be paid to cable insulation. It is necessary to exclude the likelihood of moisture hitting the wiring. For precautions, wiring can be placed in a rubber hose.
  4. There are two options for the location of the hydraulic pump: in the pond and near it. In the central part of the pond, it is necessary to form a hill of stones on which to install a spray tube.
  5. To ensure the outflow and supply of water, hoses are used. This approach makes it possible to exercise constant control over the device and greatly simplifies the maintenance of the device.



The implementation of aeration is an integral part of the care of lawns and reservoirs. Today, the construction market offers a large selection of devices of any model and cost. But if you wish, you can make aerators of water with your own hands. The materials that are necessary for this are quite affordable. And the process of construction itself is technological simplicity.

DIY aerator. Video:

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